OSWD: laadunvalvonta

@ 11:42

Tuossa toinen saitin heikko kohta: vaikka designien laadulle on tietyt kriteerit, niitä ei näe missään ennen kuin on toimittamassa (submit) designiaan tuonne.

Niinpä nyysin siellä tällä hetkellä voimassa olevat säännöt tähän talteen:

All the designs submitted to OSWD must follow some basic rules. We implement these rules to keep quality in the designs and to keep the design download process static. The rules are:

  • Design must validate on validator.w3.org, XHTML, Strict, Transitional, etc. are all accepted.
  • Designs must not use any other code besides straight HTML/CSS.
    • No Javascript, images, Java, DHTML, etc...
  • Please use CSS! It may be mandatory soon.
  • Designs must be semi-readable. Please use indentation.
  • Designs must be in Design_Name.zip format.
  • When unzipped, designs must fall into the following directory structure:
    • Design_Name/index.html
    • Design_Name/this.html
    • Design_Name/that.html
    • And so on...
    • Special characters like "Design Name/index.html" and "Cool!/index.html" are not allowed
  • If links in the design are not functional, link them back to index.html.

All designs submitted are evaluated. If a design does not meet the standards, it will be parsed and an e-mail will be sent to the author of the design explaining what needs to be fixed.

Tämän perusteella esimerkiksi tämänhetkinen Nuudelin design ei tuonne kelpaisi, koska tässä käytetään kuvia.

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