Nailed: Blogger's post-losing bug!

tiistai, elokuu 24, 2004 @ 21:43

Note to Finnish readers: tämä on vain englanninkielinen versio edellisestä, suomenkielisestä selostuksesta.

During certain phases of the Moon, Blogger seems completely erratically lose posts, replying to publishing requests only with 500 Internal Error and god-knows-what. Well here's a handy tip I came up with by mere accident, for those nerve-wrecking situations:

As you know, the problem is not the harsh error message you get (or if it is, you should probably stay away from the Internet!) but the fact that pressing the Back (arrow) button on your browser takes you back to the post editor - with the post body wiped clean! Gone! Lost! My prrrrrecious is lllooosst!!! Yes?

Just ignore the terrifying sight of the empty post editor, and press the Forward (arrow) button on your Firefox (for that is, what you're using, since you're a smart and security-aware Internet user, right?) navigation bar. At least with my settings, the browser then asks me, if I really wish to proceed to the following page, since reaching it would imply re-sending some POSTDATA. And that word, my friend, despite it's similarity to what it does, is an exciting coincident, means excactly what you've no doubt already guessed: your post will be posted from the POSTDATA!

Got you, bitch!

Note that it seems there'll be a double posting of whatever it is that you wrote, if this trick works for your case, but I'll bet you'll be happier deleting the extra post than re-typing your mini-masterpiece from memory.

And I'd still recommend that you use Select All and Copy before posting during Blogger's most unreliable periods.

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