The Panorama Factory V1.6 Freeware Edition

sunnuntai, elokuu 22, 2004 @ 17:03 | linkki

The Panorama Factory from Smoky City Design, LLC is a panoramic stitching program for Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP. It creates high-quality panoramas from a set of overlapping digital images. The Panorama Factory transforms (warps) the images so that they can be joined seamlessly into panoramas whose fields of view can range up to 360 degrees.

The Panorama Factory was originally offered as freeware. The most recent freeware release, V1.6, is still available for downloading. The freeware version provides a limited feature set from The Panorama Factory's classic interface. Read What's new in V3.3? to find out about differences between V1.6 and V3.3. It is also important to know that I no longer provide active support for V1.6. Read the V1.6 license for more information.

Download V1.6 with local help  (2.45 MB) G

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