Anonymous CVS login
@ 10:33
Apparently it's not like ftp; giving my e-mail address as password I was denied access. Then, after giving an empty password I was warned that ~/.cvspass did not exist, but apparently, I was logged in anyway (I tried faking it by creating an empty file, but seems I got that wrong, using cvspass and not .cvspass as the fake file name, so in the end it had nothing to do with the outcome :-J).
Oh, and what I'm doing here is downloading the alpha version of the ZC030X Webcam Linux driver.
Oh, and what I'm doing here is downloading the alpha version of the ZC030X Webcam Linux driver.
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvsroot/zc0302 for user anonymous
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: warning: failed to open /home/jani/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ touch ../../cvspass
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls -a
. ..
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs -z3 co -r R-0_0_1-bugfixes zc030x
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x
U zc030x/ChangeLog
U zc030x/Makefile
U zc030x/README
U zc030x/benqcam2.h
U zc030x/detectsensor.c
U zc030x/load
U zc030x/readimage.c
U zc030x/unload
U zc030x/wcam300a.h
U zc030x/webcammobile.h
U zc030x/webcamnx.h
U zc030x/webcamnxpro.h
U zc030x/zc030x.h
U zc030x/zc030x_compat.h
U zc030x/zc030x_fixframes.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.h
U zc030x/zc030x_main.c
U zc030x/zc030x_main.h
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.c
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.h
U zc030x/zstar.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/doc
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/sensors
U zc030x/sensors/CS2102.h
U zc030x/sensors/CS2103.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS1020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS2020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7121B.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7131B.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM102A.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM105A.h
U zc030x/sensors/OV7620.h
U zc030x/sensors/OVCIF.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS106B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS202B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0111.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0330.h
U zc030x/sensors/SensorSig.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5110B.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C2.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/tools
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cd zc030x/
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X/zc030x$ ls
benqcam2.h Makefile wcam300a.h zc030x_fixframes.c zc030x_main.h
ChangeLog readimage.c webcammobile.h zc030x.h zc030x_proc.c
CVS README webcamnx.h zc030x_jpeg.c zc030x_proc.h
detectsensor.c sensors webcamnxpro.h zc030x_jpeg.h zstar.h
load unload zc030x_compat.h zc030x_main.c
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