Anonymous CVS login

@ 10:33

Apparently it's not like ftp; giving my e-mail address as password I was denied access. Then, after giving an empty password I was warned that ~/.cvspass did not exist, but apparently, I was logged in anyway (I tried faking it by creating an empty file, but seems I got that wrong, using cvspass and not .cvspass as the fake file name, so in the end it had nothing to do with the outcome :-J).

Oh, and what I'm doing here is downloading the alpha version of the ZC030X Webcam Linux driver.

jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvsroot/zc0302 for user anonymous
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: warning: failed to open /home/jani/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ touch ../../cvspass
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls -a
. ..
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs -z3 co -r R-0_0_1-bugfixes zc030x
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x
U zc030x/ChangeLog
U zc030x/Makefile
U zc030x/README
U zc030x/benqcam2.h
U zc030x/detectsensor.c
U zc030x/load
U zc030x/readimage.c
U zc030x/unload
U zc030x/wcam300a.h
U zc030x/webcammobile.h
U zc030x/webcamnx.h
U zc030x/webcamnxpro.h
U zc030x/zc030x.h
U zc030x/zc030x_compat.h
U zc030x/zc030x_fixframes.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.h
U zc030x/zc030x_main.c
U zc030x/zc030x_main.h
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.c
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.h
U zc030x/zstar.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/doc
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/sensors
U zc030x/sensors/CS2102.h
U zc030x/sensors/CS2103.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS1020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS2020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7121B.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7131B.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM102A.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM105A.h
U zc030x/sensors/OV7620.h
U zc030x/sensors/OVCIF.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS106B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS202B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0111.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0330.h
U zc030x/sensors/SensorSig.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5110B.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C2.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/tools
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cd zc030x/
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X/zc030x$ ls
benqcam2.h Makefile wcam300a.h zc030x_fixframes.c zc030x_main.h
ChangeLog readimage.c webcammobile.h zc030x.h zc030x_proc.c
CVS README webcamnx.h zc030x_jpeg.c zc030x_proc.h
detectsensor.c sensors webcamnxpro.h zc030x_jpeg.h zstar.h
load unload zc030x_compat.h zc030x_main.c

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