How Warchalking Died
@ 14:22 | linkki
The internet will be everywhere, all the time, available to all devices. And you won't need to look for quaint Warchalking markings. Instead, you'll walk into Starbucks or Wallmart or Barnes and Noble, or you'll be walking through your neighborhood, or perhaps some place near a payphone. You'll have the web around you, all of the time. At home, at the office. Everywhere. It'll be like air or water. Wi-Fi will just be there. At some point, you won't have to worry about where you are. Wi-Fi or some other related wireless network will provide you with an internet blanket, and you'll always feel warm and cozy.
Moving WebWord G Juha
Enpä tiedä siitä mukavasta ja kotoisasta (warm and cozy). Ainakin tuossa tilanteessa on oltava pomminvarma konsti kytkeä nettiyhteys pois päältä silloin, kun sitä ei käytä. Mahtava kaivaa oma Henkilökohtainen Tietopankki taskusta jossain pankissa vain huomatakseen, että kaikki henkilökohtaiset tiedot on sieltä kadonneet ja tilalla on vain musta ruutu:
d4 b1ack d3vi5i0n
0WNZ U!!!
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