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Reports: Police Officer Fights Off Bird

It was one of the toughest fights Jorun Lyngstad had experienced during her time as a Norwegian police officer. A wood grouse, Europe's biggest game bird, attacked Lyngstad during a Wednesday bike ride in the woods, ramming the off-duty officer from the side and sending her flying through the air, local media reported.

I suspect this violent perpetrator has, to put it mildly, a strained relationship with the law, Lyngstad, 37, told the newspaper Romsdals Budstikke.


Wood grouse on metso.

Been there, done that.

23.8.2004 23:16: Linkki merkintään omista kokemuksista.

3.10.2004 12:01: Käärin lainauksen blockquoteen ja korjasin viittaukset nykykäytännön mukaisiksi.

15.10.2004 21:04: Lisäsin muutoshistorian piilotusvekottimen.

[#] | @ 17:22

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