One question that I have been asking myself lately is "where did the excitement for life that I used to feel as a kid go?" Everything just seems so bland and boring now. Things that I used to enjoy just seem worn out and old. Movies, TV, music... even masturbation. Now I know you're probably thinking that I'm just some depressed, lonely guy who's feeling down on himself trying to analyze why he's feeling the way he does, but really, look around you. How many people do you know that you can say are truly happy? When's the last time that you've kicked up your fucking heels in the air, popped a mentos into your fucking mouth and thought to yourself "Gosh, life sure is swell!" It just seems like I've heard it all before and seen it all before. What I want is something new. Life experiences that make the mind boggle and make you feel like life is worth living. I want to be electrified and have surges of emotion and adrenaline pumping through my veins making my body tingle with feeling. I was reading in the newspaper today that in 30 years science will have advanced far enough that we will be able to control our own evolution. Basically, we will be able to modify the genes in our bodies to do what we want them to. Now this just opens up a whole can of worms, but it is inevitable. We'll be able to clone ourselves, modify our organs, intelligence level and bodies. Don't want to work out to gain muscle? No problem. Take this pill each day for a few months and you'll grow into a new, stronger body. Hey, I'm all for that. The lazy mans evolution. I want to know what makes life special and what makes it worth living. For a lot of people that don't have a significant other, and for a lot of those that do, they still feel alone most of the time. Makes me think of the Led Zeppelin song "Communication Breakdown." I think it goes beyond communication, all the way down to human instinct. The fact is you never really know someone as well as you think you do. We tend to think that we are so super-evolved, when really we're not. We're just hairless apes, who, as luck would have it, developed the abilities to control our own fate to a certain extent. "Get your stinkin' paws off me you damned dirty ape!" I know this is going to sound stupid, but what is the purpose in life? Is it to fornicate and reproduce? Is that all there is? Fucking to spread our DNA like a virus on a sweaty bus ride in the middle of summer? I tend to think that there really isn't a purpose, so you might as well just try and have as much fun as possible, unless you're a miserable prick like me who takes pleasure in nothing. Sometimes I ask myself why I should go through life living in fear of what could happen. Why not just live for the moment? It sounds good in theory, but it's a lot harder to do since we are creatures of habit. We're trained to think and act inside a certain kind of box since day one, so it is almost impossible to try and change the way we function at the drop of a hat. From this moment on I'm going to turn over a new leaf! I'm going to be better, different, and improved! I'm going to [insert resolution here] every day and stop [insert addiction here] right this instant! I'm going to treat [insert persons name here] better and start treating myself with a little more self-[insert adjective here]! I have a lot of faith in science. It will destroy us and it will save us. Just look at all the unbelievable progress we've made in the last 100 years; though 100 years from now humanity will look back and laugh at us Neanderthals. You mean to tell me that you actually used your hands to relay information into the computers back then? That's so... quaint. It's hard to imagine living in a world without antibiotics, electricity, pentium processors and silicon breasts. No running water or light bulbs or telephones. The fact is half of the worlds population still has never even used a telephone. Half the world has never felt like strangling Bill Gates for making an inferior operating system that crashes right in the middle of the best part of your favorite porn movie. For a world so complex the truth is that humanity is really quite simple. What more do we need than food, water, shelter and love? Most of us are so caught up in our day to day life of working in the machine that we forget how to enjoy life, and we forget that the best things in life truly are free. The simple things. The small joys that we get out of living that make things feel like it's worth continuing to do. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Every answer I'm given in life just makes me ask more questions. Fuck that bullshit that they told you in school, "YOU'RE SPECIAL!" Bullshit. You're not. I don't think I'm special, superior or smarter than anyone else. We all may be unique, but that doesn't mean special. This whole social structure of status, class and wealth is a crock of shit. It's all just based on luck and who you blow and/or know. Humans have been debating our purpose in life for centuries. I'm positive that every single question that I have asked about life has been asked before, it's just the answers that change with time. Depending on where you live or what time you lived in, you'll get a different answer. Some may say that living a good and honest life to appease God is the purpose in life. Others may laugh at that and say it's the biggest crock of shit they've ever heard. Some say that living a good and honest life to help the people that will live here in the future is what the purpose of life is. Others may laugh at that as well. I don't know what the purpose is, but I'm going to try my hardest to enjoy the short time that I do have here. Then again, what if you just don't give a fuck and don't believe in God? I mean, we are programmed to believe since we're kids. Don't believe in God? You're going to suffer in a lake of fire for eternity! Follow my rules, OR ELSE! Religion is mind control. Spirituality isn't. All of the worlds natural resources will be exhausted in 75 to 100 years. No more oil, gasoline, coal, wood, fresh water. Nothing. Sure, I'll be dead then, and so will you, so what do we have to complain about? Pop open another can of Bud, snort a few lines of coke and party on DUDE. Fuck the future generations, we're here now! We DESERVE to live and waste and consume and fornicate until we can't fornicate no more! Burn the forests, kill the aborigines, rape the sea! We're AMERICAN! God made this land for YOU and ME! MANIFEST DESTINY MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! It seems as though my generation just wants instant gratification, and you know what? I can't really blame them. Who doesn't want to see the fruits of their labour turn into something instant and tangible the moment they are done? Who doesn't want the quickest and most painless solution to their day to day woes? Sad? Take a pill. Fat? Take a pill. Hungry? Take a pill. Angry? Take a pill. Worried? Take a pill. Look, I just don't want to be another guy working until he's 65, growing fat, tired, old, and bitter and end up dying a miserably boring death. I want my life to have purpose. I don't want to get prostate cancer from eating too much red meat, I don't want to get married to some chick and end up wanting to kill her by the time I'm 45. I don't want to have kids that will disrespect me the way I disrespect my parents. I want to leave my mark on the world and just do something different. I want to go out in a ball of fucking fire with a marching band and rockets blasting away. I want to explode into a million pieces of fury. I want to look eternity in the eyes and not blink. I want to face unconsciousness with no fear, and welcome whatever happens with enthusiasm. I want excitement. I am a very impatient person. Where are my flying cars? Why haven't we colonized the moon yet? If there is one thing that would inspire humanity and give us all hope, it's colonizing the moon. What better way to spend your weekends than flying outside of our atmosphere for a little offroad moon-racing? Gentlemen, we have the technology.