
[CanvasPaint is a] near pixel-perfect copy of Microsoft Paint in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using the <canvas> tag as specified by WHATWG and supported by Safari 1.3, Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9.

CanvasPaint via Linkdump

Terratec Cinergy DVB-C:n säätöä

Systeemin pyyhkimisen ja uudelleenasennuksen jälkeen latasin tv-kortille uusimmat BDA-ajurit ja ohjelman Terratecilta. Ihmetykseni oli suuri, kliseetä lainatakseni, kun aiemmin tiiliskiven luotettavuudella toiminut Terratec Home Cinema näytti kanavat vain noin joka toisella käynnistyskerralla, ja tyytyi muutoin valittamaan vain signaalin heikkoutta.

Taistelin ongelmaa vastaan asentelemalla vanhoja versioita niin ajureista kuin THC:stäkin, mutta ongelma vain paheni: lopulta ohjelma vain kaatui joka kerta, kun yritin skannata kanavia. Meinasin jo repiä hermoni, kunnes onnistuin analysoimaan ongelman tarkemman laadun: olin kokeillut ohjelmasta kaikkein uusinta, Beta-nimityksen saanutta versiota, jonka olin löytänyt Terratecin ftp-palvelimelta, ja sen jälkeen skannauksessa kaatuivat kaikki sitä vanhemmat, eli kaikki muut versiot.

Niinpä sitten sovelsin tähän Betaan FAQ:sta löytynyttä vinkkiä, joka kehotti säätämään %Appdata%\TerraTec\CinergyDVR\:ssä olevaa laitekohtaista asetustiedostoa – oman korttini tapauksessa se oli C:\Documents and Settings\Jani\Application data\Terratec\CinergyDVR\Hardware_Cinergy 1200 DVB-C Capture (BDA).ini. Siellä olleiden WaitForLock (Scan) ja WaitForLock (Tune) -avainten arvojen säätö tuotti vihdoin halutun tuloksen: aikaisemmin tekemäni taajuustiedoston kanssa kaikki vielä puuttuneet kanavat löytyivät, ja nyt ne löytyivät myös ohjelman uudelleenkäynnistämisen jälkeen.

Annoin noille avaimille seuraavat arvot:

WaitForLock (Scan)=1000
WaitForLock (Tune)=2000

Alunperin ne olivat toisinpäin, siiis skannauksella oli arvo 2000 ja virityksellä 1000.

New Window Disabler

The New Window Disabler […] Features Include: – remove _blank targets – make links with rel=external – remove javascript popups (needs work)

It’s a Greasemonkey script.

Looks like I’d had this, or _blank Must Die, or Don’t open new windows, installed for so long I’d forgotten about it, but definitely realized it was missing when those annoying pop-ups re-appeared after a clean install of Firefox.

Hum. I seem to have none of those scripts in my old installation’s profile folder. Wonder how I got rid of those pop-ups before?

Update: Ah: set to 0. Ergo: forget everything I said above.

XPCOM problem solved – for now

I’m hoping the XPCOM problem I was struggling with earlier today is now gone, and it looks like Firefox wasn’t the only culprit. At the root of the problem was Dorgem, which I use for my webcam. I’d installed a nightly build – should have known better than that…

I’m not giving FF a full pardon for this however, because the the bug manifested itself only when running Firefox with Dorgem in the background. Nothing else (not even IE7) triggered the issue, which tells me there could be an actual bug in FF in addition to the obvious one in the latest build of Dorgem. At least there might be room for improvement with the way FF behaves under some unexpected circumstances.

Update: Apparently, still not out of the woods. Shortly after writing the above, the network became unresponsive again and at shutdown the XPCOM error was back. I managed to get a screenshot of the alert box telling me that initializing the application failed, which is all I get when trying to open Task Manager. Googling 0x0c0000017 gives no hits at this time.

I’d replaced Dorgem’s daily build with the latest stable, and was running it in the background. Currently I’m not running Dorgem in any incarnation, we’ll see how it goes.

21:35 Update: the problem persists.

ZyXELin modeemeilla yhteysongelmia OP:n kanssa

Osassa ZyXEL P660H ja P660HW sarjan ADSL-modeemeita on havaittu SPI-palomuurin toiminnasta aiheutuva yhteysongelma OP-verkkopankkipalvelussa. Joissain ADSL-modeemeissa SPI-palomuurin ollessa aktiivinen, OP-verkkopankin käytössä saattaa esiintyä katkoja tai palvelun jumiutumista.

via Vlk

Fighting the XPCOM Firefox bug

So far I’ve tried disabling the DOM Inspector and Talkback in Firefox and also Windows XP’s Webclient service (which has been cited among others as a possible culprit of the XPCOM Event Receiver problem) – none of this has helped.

For me the problem seems to be a tad more serious than for others reporting this, since just by running Firefox for a while the system eventually loses all networking capabilities and refuses to open the Task Manager (I’ll try grabbing a screenshot, of the alert box notifying about the failure, if I can the next time it appears, although it is in Finnish), at which point the only working solution is to reboot – which, of course, is when I’m greeted with the XPCOM not terminating properly nag.

The strange thing is, if I open up the Task Manager and leave it lurking on the side while FF hoses the system, from there it looks like there’s nothing alarming going on – no single process is eating up all the resources. The only abnormality is the firefox.exe process not terminating when I close the application window.

Right now I’m running Firefox in Safe-mode and with anti-phishing disabled in addition to all the stuff mentioned above. I’m hoping I’ll come across something that works, because otherwise I’ll have to switch to Opera or something, and I’d really, really hate to do that.