WordPress 2.1: wp_get_links and wp_list_bookmarks

“The way Links used to work is that all links had a “before” and “after” bit associated with them. wp_get_links respected that, and if you had li and /li in the Links manager for those links, then that’s what got output.

But Links aren’t the same as they used to be anymore. So wp_get_links no longer works quite the same way. While it’s not actually deprecated, it probably should be since it just ends up using the new “bookmarks” functions anyway.

I’d switch to wp_list_bookmarks to do what you need it to do.”

Otto42@WP Support Forum

Took me a while to find out how to make wp_list_bookmarks work as wp_get_links did. Firstly, upgrading to 2.1 seems to change the link categories’ ids, so they had to be looked up. In the end I came up with wp_list_bookmarks("category=43&categorize=0&title_li=&show_images=0"); – the title_li bit was the most difficult to understand (my initial attempts with double single quotes caused only weird output).