Unembedded PDFs with Epiphany and mozplugger (and Evince)

I don’t remember which issue I solved by installing mozplugger, but after that all PDF files were opened inside Epiphany, and I’d rather have them displayed in a separate Evince window. To achieve this I edited /etc/mozpluggerrc, and commented out these lines:

application/pdf:pdf:PDF file
application/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
  repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file"
  repeat noisy swallow(kpdf) fill: kpdf "$file"
  repeat noisy swallow(Xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"

After that I shut down Epiphany and, as per the quite excellent mozplugger man page, deleted ~/.gnome2/epiphany/mozilla/epiphany/pluginreg.dat before restarting Ephy.

I suppose a tad lighter solution would be to override the defaults in my own per-user mozpluggerrc.