Theme choice (Twenty Fifteen, for now) and my threat model for the blog

I’m trying to stick with Twenty Fifteen for now. I would guess using the default theme would serve the “trying not to stand out” ethos best, but don’t take my word for it. Indeed, don’t take my word for anything, because this is a log of learning as I go.

Also, I’m not sure how well “not standing out” on the publishing end fits within the threat model. Certainly my threat model for this blog does not account for its hosting service. My baseline assumption here is a benevolent, not critically anonymity-savvy host (myself). I should also take into account the provider of my underlying infrastructure, whose benevolence I trust slightly less than my own.

But as I said, this is a learning log, not an attempt to simulate anonymous publishing. Additionally I’m using this blog to get a feel for the difficulties in blogging when using an anonymizing service and a browser tuned for it. Like how I keep forgetting to save these drafts now that auto-save doesn’t work.