Viestintäpalvelun käyttäjä voi jatkossa saada korvausta, jos palvelu viivästyy tai on virheellinen. […] Lakiin tulee säännös myös viestintäpalvelun oikeudettomasta käytöstä. Säännöksellä määritellään kuluttajan vastuu esimerkiksi matkapuhelimen varkaus- tai modeemikaappaustapauksissa.
Author: Jani
Kuluttajille korvausta viestintäpalvelun viivästyessä
How to Crash Internet Explorer
Ever wish you could make your friends and family switch away from Internet Explorer? Perhaps the ability to make it spontaneously crash (and I mean totally crash) just by sending them a link might sway them…
Modern Life Is Rubbish via Juha
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WavPack: Lossless Audio Compression
“WavPack is a completely open audio compression format providing lossless, high-quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode. […] The compression ratio depends on the source material, but generally is between 30% and 70%.”
They say it compresses better than FLAC at the highest levels.
PlayStation 3 tackles world ills
“The spare processing power of Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3) will be harnessed by scientists trying to understand the cause of diseases like Alzheimer’s.”
PHP's number_format() with
can’t take a
as a separator, which is bad when you want the separator to be whitespace inside HTML, since using a normal blank (a ” “) breaks the number when it happens to be laid out between to lines.Svein Tjonndal has written the following little function which essentially does a
as the thousands separator:function numberfix($number) { $number = number_format($number,0,","," "); return str_replace(" ", " ", $number); }
Universalin jättiyllätys: ilmaista musiikkia netistä
Yksi maailman neljästä musiikkijätistä, Universal Music, on tehnyt sopimuksen uuden Spiralfrog-nettipalvelun kanssa, joka tuo internetiin ilmaiset lailliset musiikkilataukset. Joulukuussa avattava musiikkipalvelu on täysin mainosrahoitteinen ja musiikki on ilmaista. [Mainoksien katselun] jälkeen kappaleen saa
, eli sen voi tallentaa kiintolevylle ja musiikkisoittimille.Tietokone
linkitys omani -
UTF-8 substr fot PHP
“[Pulling] out an arbitrary substring which happens to cut a 2 byte UTF-8 sequence breaks the string;
<?php header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $haystack = 'Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn'; // Position 13 is in the middle of the ô char $substr = substr($haystack, 0, 13); print "Substr: $substr<br>";
now contains badly formed UTF-8 and your browser should display something wierd as a result (probably a ?)”Handling UTF-8 with PHP”
phpwact.orga comment moved due to layout issues
To go around this limitation, I used the following replacement substr code, which I extracted from “UTF-8 friendly replacement functions” v0.2, by Niels Leenheer & Andy Matsubara. For some reason, at the time of writing this, Google only seems to find a PDF version of this document.
function substr($str, $start , $length = NULL) { preg_match_all('/[\x01-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/', $str, $arr); if (is_int($length)) return implode('', array_slice($arr[0], $start, $length)); else return implode('', array_slice($arr[0], $start)); }