That’s right, I’m starting the first annual CSS Naked Day. In the spirit of promoting Web Standards along with good semantic markup and proper hierarchy structures, April 5th will be a day of nakedness for all webmasters to remove their style sheets from their website for one day. Signining up is not required, just simply comment in this thread with a link to your website and let everyone else know that you’re participating.
Author: Jani
First Annual Naked Day: April 05
A sneak peek at Google's new interface
“A new search results interface is in the works at Google. Originally the domain of rumor sites, it’s now possible for almost anyone to get a glimpse of the new look”
Peter Forsgårdin domain-rekisteröinti episode 1
“Nykyäänhän saa domainin rekisteröityä omalle nimelle .fi-päätteisenä ja siihen saa vielä sen ruåtsalaisen O:nkin. Valitsin siis luonnollisesti peterforsgå Rekisteröin sen Nebulan kautta. Tieto domainin hyväksymisestä tulikin aika nopeasti ja parissa päivässä oli myös Viestintävirasto hyväksynyt domainini, lähettäen siitä vahvistuksen emailila. Nebula lähetti laskun minulle ja kaikki näytti olevan kunnossa, vaan eipä ollutkaan.”
P. Forsgård via Juha
YouTube caps video lengths to reduce infringement
“This week [YouTube] announced a new “Premium Content Program” aimed at reducing the amount of pirated material on their site. The program creates a new level of membership that is required for users who wish to post video that are longer than 10 minutes in length.”
SystemRescueCd – a linux system for repairing your system after a crash
“SystemRescueCd is a linux system on a bootable cdrom for repairing your system and your data after a crash. It also aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the partitions of the hard disk.”
SystemRescueCd via Juha
aXbo sleep phase alarm clock
“[We] have invented the alarm clock of the future waking you up optimally at your best sleep phase – like waking up by your inner clock. […]
aXbo registers your individual optimal wake up time via your body movements and wakes you up in between the last 30 minutes before your wake up time. Your movements are detected and gathered with a comfortable towelling wristband and submitted to the sleep phase alarm clock.”
Koodari haastoi piraattimyyjän nyrkkeilykehään
“[Venäläinen ohjelmistosuunnittelija haastoi] tuotteitaan tavaratalossa myyneen piraatin nyrkkeilyotteluun. […]
Paikallisella kuntosalilla järjestetty ottelu päättyi lukuihin 24–16 koodarin voitoksi. Ottelu kesti kolmen erän verran ja mäiskettä kerrotaan kestäneen kolmisen minuuttia per erä.” via Juha
Monolith – a philosophical experiment in copyright
“Monolith is a simple tool that takes two arbitrary binary files (called a Basis file and an Element file) and “munges” them together to produce a Mono binary file (with a .mono extension). Monolith can also reconstruct an Element file from a Basis file and a Mono file.”
Beatles take rival Apple to court over core business
“Apple Corps, owned by the former Beatles and their heirs, still owns the licensing rights to Beatles’ products. It is claiming that the introduction of iTunes broke a $26 million settlement under which Apple Computer agreed to steer clear of the music business, for which the Beatles’ company retains the famous trademark.”
Times Online via Juha