“It’s been exactly one month since we released the well-received WordPress 2.0 release. In the past 4 weeks we’ve been listening closely to feedback, squashing bugs wherever we find them, and watching how 2.0 handled under different loads.
We’ve rolled up all the most important fixes into a 2.0.1 release, which is now available for download. All in all we’ve closed 114 bugs in the 2.0.1 release […].”
Author: Jani
WordPress 2.0.1 Released
DJ:t, Beatport ja Gramex
“DJ-ystäväni lähestyi Gramexia kysyäkseen mp3-tiedostojen soittomuodollisuuksista ja siihen liittyvistä mahdollisista korvauksista. Ohessa lähetetty maili ja siihen saatu vastaus.”
Sisäministeriö vaatii TeliaSoneralta korvauksia
“Sisäministeriö vaatii TeliaSoneralta vahingonkorvauksia koskien ministeriön matkapuhelinten tietoturvariskiä. […]
Ministeriö sanoo pyytäneensä yhtiöltä muutamia numeroita, mutta TeliaSonera lähetti suojaamattomalla sähköpostilla tuhansia salaisia kännykkänumeroita ja niiden luottamuksellisia tunnistetietoja.
TeliaSoneran tietoturva-asenne ei miellytä sisäministeriötä
“Sisäministeriön mukaan tietoturvaongelma johtuu TeliaSoneran työntekijöiden tekemästä virheestä. […]
TeliaSoneran varatoimitusjohtajan […] mukaan yhtiön verkosta ei ole löytynyt teknistä vikaa, joten mahdollinen tekninen tietoturvariski tai -aukko löytyy sisäministeriöstä.
Sisäministeriö aikoo vaihtaa teleoperaattoria ongelmien takia. Kansliapäällikkö Ritva Viljanen sanoo STT:lle, että operaattoria vaihdetaan, koska TeliaSonera asennoituu käsittämättömällä tavalla ilmi tulleeseen tietoturvaongelmaan.”
Matchbox-sized Laser Projector With Infinite Focus
“LBO has developed unique laser-based projection technology, which uses computational algorithms and novel optical techniques to allow miniature lasers to display video images in real-time using the diffractive nature of laser light. This overcomes the size limitation of conventional projection techniques, allowing projectors to be smaller than ever before. Understand that there is no glass, no prisms, NO MOVING PARTS, and no need for fans to provide heat dissipation.”
Audioholics via Juha
ELP Laser Turntable
“Welcome to the online home of the Laser Turntable! This technological marvel plays vinyl records with master tape sound quality and no wear. The Laser Turntable is perfect for record collectors, archivists and vinyl enthusiasts alike.”
Hard Drive Dying Dance Track
“There were well more than 100 entries in this remix competition—and picking the winner was a tough tough decision. It’s clear that the challenge of making music based on the sound of Hitachi hard drives failing was as much a reason to take part as winning the Tokyoflash Equalizer watch.”
Snails are faster than ADSL
“Following their last year experiment , group of Israeli geeks had proved that snails can be faster than ADSL and pigeons…”
Pairs for Windows
After unsuccessfully trying to make Pairs, an AGA Amiga solitaire game, work under Windows using WinUAE, I went looking for native alternatives. I found out this particular variant of Mahjong is called Shisen-Sho. From the Shisen-Sho games listed on Vegard Krog Petersen’s site I tried a few and found the best two for my liking were Shisen-Sho by iBinx (which is free) and Shisen for Java.