The Inquirer via Juha
Category: Uncategorized
“Google Maps in ASCII characters. Pure silliness for your enjoyment by the good people at Poly9 and the invaluable Markus Gebhard […].”
iRiver T series MTP to UMS conversion firmware
“iriver […] decided to only release Microsoft’s proprietary Media Transport Protocol (MTP) versions of their new T series MP3 players to Europe and the US, thus locking users into using Windows Media Player 10 and Windows XP to transfer music to their players.
iriver had a good reputation for listening to their customers and now maintains UMS firmwares for their older iFP line of MP3 players as well as firmwares for their own original proprietary transfer protocol. Luckily for us, they did release UMS versions to the rest of the world and so the firmwares were out there ready to be tried. Under normal circumstances an MTP player will not accept a UMS firmware, but we managed it! The conversion process is as simple as upgrading a player normally.” via charles
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Kilpailuvirasto esittää Nikon Nordicille 300 000 euron seuraamusmaksua
“Kilpailuvirasto esittää, että markkinaoikeus määräisi Nikon Nordic AB:lle 300 000 euron seuraamusmaksun kilpailusääntöjen vastaisesta menettelystä digitaalikameroiden markkinoilla. Nikon kieltäytyi mm. vuosina 2004 ja 2005 ulottamasta tuotetakuutaan rinnakkaistuojien maahantuomiin Nikon-kameroihin ja asetti näin kuluttajat eriarvoiseen asemaan siitä riippuen, mistä kamera oli ostettu. Nikon luopui kuitenkin kielletystä menettelystä Kilpailuviraston selvitysten kuluessa keväällä 2005. […]
Nikonin menettely vaikeutti esityksen mukaan Nikon-kameroiden rinnakkaistuontia Suomeen ja vähensi siten kilpailua digitaalikameroiden markkinoilla. Menettelyllä katsotaan lisäksi olleen selkeä kilpailua rajoittava tarkoitus.
Tapauksen tutkinta käynnistyi Verkkokauppa.comin tehtyä heinäkuussa 2004 Kilpailuvirastolle asiasta toimenpidepyynnön. ei kuulu Nikonin viralliseen jakelujärjestelmään, vaan tuo rinnakkaistuojana maahan Nikon-kameroita muista EU-maista. Nikon Nordicin Suomen sivuliike oli evännyt Verkkokauppa.comin maahantuomilta Nikon-kameroilta takuuedun.
Kilpailuvirasto via YLE24
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Windows XP EULA in Plain English
“This is the EULA for Windows XP Home Edition. […] What does this document contain? Most people don’t know, because it is written in legal-speak. Still, you are expected to read it and are required to agree to it before using Windows XP Home. Even if you don’t read it, you are still bound by it, so it’s good to know what’s in there.
Let’s take a look at just what rights a user of Windows XP Home has given up.” via Juha
iTTUSB – Turntable with USB Record
“ION has created the world’s first USB turntable allowing you to convert your old vinyl collection directly to CD or MP3 with the included recording software. […]
The ION USB turntable includes Audacity software for Mac/PC for recording as well as a trial of Bias Soundsoap 2 for cleaning and restoring vinyl.”
ION via Juha
The Computer Bed
“This model of European Murphy Bed is in the popular computer bed format. […] Operation is from gas assisted pistons often referred to as intuitive in nature. In reality the gas piston dampens the natural action of weight transfer from bed to desk to bed.” via Juha
Linux versus Mac OS X on Intel Dual Core
“Linux is found to be much faster than Apple’s OS X for statistical computing. For example, in one benchmark Linux is more than twice as fast. The results on this page were conducted on a MacBookpro with a 2.16Ghz Intel Core Duo chip and 2GB of RAM.”
J. Sekhon via Juha
Chipbench via Just Sopivasti
I was a little disappointed that typing ‘dir’ in the Shell didn’t reveal anything. But the nostalgia effect is awesome nonetheless.
500 lb Potato Battery
“I built a potato battery out of 500 pounds of potatoes. It powered a small sound system. […]
Each potato generates about 0.5 volts and 0.2 milliamperes. I connected groups of potatoes together in series to increase voltage and then connected these groups together in parallel to increase amperage. The entire 500 lb battery generated around 5 volts and 4 milliamperes.”