Category: Uncategorized

  • Fellowship of the Ring – HD vs DVD

    “Being amazed at how fantastic the HD transfer of Fellowship of the Ring looked, I decided to compare it to the transfer on the DVD. Now, the DVD transfer is among the best you can find on DVD, so this really is comparing the respective creams of the crops. […]

    Mouseover any of the images here to see the HD downsample. You can see the full-size comparisons by clicking on the images on this page. The difference is pretty amazing.” via BlogsNow

    To my eyes the landscape frames seem to benefit the most. Close-ups of faces not so much.

  • ThnLnk wants to put meaning to URLs

    ThnLnk is a semantic URL redirecting service. […]

    For example, when someone e-mails you a link in URL form, it’s nearly impossible to tell by looking at the URL what it actually is leading you to. That’s a waste of information. Instead, let’s put human-readable information into that URL–let’s make it semantic–let’s use ThnLnk.”

    ThnLnk Blog
    some links added

  • M4 Message Breaking Project

    “The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken. Ralph Erskine has presented the intercepts in a letter to the journal Cryptologia. The signals were presumably enciphered with the four rotor Enigma M4 – hence the name of the project.

    This project has officially started as of January 9th, 2006. You can help out by donating idle time of your computer to the project.” via Boing Boing

    I’m having trouble downloading the client from their site, so, since it’s (mostly) GPL-licenced, I’m hosting version 0.73.3 of the Windows XP Pro client here.

  • Fullauto Bookscanner

    “After the invention of hyperpaper, I began to scan my books. Soon I found out that what I expected was true — It was awesomely BOREING!

    If this drudgery were to be automated! […]

    Behold! The work is now complete. Once started, the machine opens the each page of the book and scans the content. The whole process is automatic.”

    a scientist’s toy box via Linkdump

  • Fifa ei luovu MM-kisojen kuvarajoituksistaan

    “Fifan päätöksen mukaan lehdet saavat julkaista verkkojulkaisuissaan valokuvia vasta tunti ottelun päättymisen jälkeen. Fifa säätelee myös julkaistavien kuvien määrää sekä sitä, kuin niitä käytetään painetuissa julkaisuissa. […]

    Kansainvälinen sanomalehtiliitto toteaa Kansainvälisen jalkapalloliiton Fifan puheenjohtajalle Sepp Blatterille torstaina lähettämässään kirjeessä, että Fifan päätös kaventaa sananvapautta ja vaarantaa lukijoiden tiedonsaantia.”

  • Democracy – Watch internet videos like you watch TV

    “Download and watch all the best internet TV shows and videos in one powerful application. New channels arrive daily in the built-in Channel Guide. […]

    Features: subscribe to video RSS feeds (including podcasts, video blogs, and BitTorrent feeds), watch fullscreen, share with friends.”

    Democracy via Boing Boing

    Now available for Windows.

  • Adressi kritisoi Radio Suomen linjaa

    Kansalaisadressi internetissä kerää nimiä Yleisradion kuunnelluimman radiokanavan, Radio Suomen ja siihen kuuluvien 20 maakuntaradioiden musiikkilinjan muuttamiseksi. […]

    Eteläsavolaiset musiikkimiehet vaativat, että Etelä-Savon radio ja yleensä Suomen maakuntaradiot ottavat paremmin huomioon alueensa musiikkialan ammattilaiset ja harrastajat. Adressin mukaan Yleisradion ns. prime time-ajan musiikkivalikoima näkyy muutaman suuren monikansallisen levy-yhtiön ylenmääräisenä suosimisena ja valtakunnallisten soittolistojen toistoina.”
    linkitys omani

  • Teens gain valuable social skills online

    “Instead of steering them away from their computers, parents should recognise that teenagers sharpen important social skills online, say psychologists and anthropologists studying internet behaviour.

    They stress that many of the traditional teenage hangouts, such as convenience stores and parks, have banned these youngsters or become viewed as unsafe. […]

    In the online communities they form, teens choose empathetic leaders rather than ones that bombard them with advice, says Justine Cassell, also of Northwestern University.”

    New Scientist

  • AsfBin – A Freeware WMV/ASF Cutting/Editing Tool

    “Because I wasn’t able to make workarounds for some serious bugs in the Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK I decided do write from scratch ASF file reader and writer by myself. After a full year of coding I am ready with the release of the totally new tool for cutting, joining and repairing ASF files with even more features than the AsfCut have.”

    Radioactive pages via

  • ELP Laser Turntable

    “Welcome to the online home of the Laser Turntable! This technological marvel plays vinyl records with master tape sound quality and no wear. The Laser Turntable is perfect for record collectors, archivists and vinyl enthusiasts alike.”

    Audioturntable via Boing Boing