Category: Uncategorized

  • Bicycles from the future

    A highly futuristic bicycle “Cycling manufacturer giant Specialized has announced that it is working on prototypes for revolutionary new bikes, set to be released in 2006. The new line of bikes is being dubbed the Venom Line. The bikes feature aerodynamic design and revolutionary technology that was pioneered by a special research team in Japan.”

    MBT via AllDumb

    They’re from the future all right – April 1st of 2006, to be exact ;)

  • Kapsin viimeisin huolto näyttää rikkoneen jotain, kun marginaali itkee rumasti virhettä 28. En suostu uskomaan, että tuo johtuisi tilanpuutteesta. Muut blogit (lähinnä siis Nuudelisoppa ja Mustavihreä visio, jotka myös pyörivät WP:llä) toimivat ainakin toistaiseksi.

    Jaaha, ja tämän merkinnän julkaisukaan ei onnistu. Pitänee luovuttaa suosiolla tältä päivältä.

  • Canon lahjoitti kameroita ja kuvatulostimia lastenklinikoille

    “Canon lahjoitti viime vuoden lopulla Lastenklinikoiden Kummit ry:n kautta PowerShot A95 -digitaalikameran ja SELPHY CP500 –kuvatulostimen viidelle lastenklinikalle. Tarvikkeet kuvatulostimiin lahjoitti Lindell Oy. Lastenklinikoiden Kummien toiminnanjohtajan Maria Ekrothin mukaan tällaiset lahjoitukset ovat erittäin arvokkaita. ”Kamera tarjoaa potilaille ja heidän vanhemmilleen mahdollisuuden ikuistaa ainutkertaiset hetket, kun joku tunnetuista kummeista vierailee lastensairaaloiden osastoilla. Kuva voidaan tulostaa valokuvaksi saman tien, jolloin kummin nimikirjoituskin saadaan kuvaan mukaan.””

    Canon via Juha

  • Windows & Linux Run On The PSP

    “Earlier we reported on the Bochs x86 emulator being ported to the PSP by Matan. This is indeed true and has opened the door for a wide range of options that the PSP can now do, not limited to but including the running of: FreeDOS, Linux, DLX Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, PicoBSD, Pragma Linux, Debian 3.0r0 and 2.2r5, and any other disk images with pre-installed systems on them […].”

    PSP Updates via /.
    some links added

  • Mainstream Press Messes Up Wikipedia Story

    “The Wales quote from Sueddeutsche Zeitung read: “There may soon be so-called stable contents. In this case, we’d freeze the [Wikipedia] pages whose quality is undisputed.” Reuters repeated that. […] Wales didn’t say that. […] He thinks the SZ reporter may have misinterpreted his comments. Then Reuters apparently translated his comments in German back to English, and his meaning got turned into something he didn’t say. […]

    And here’s yet another angle to the story that’s unflattering to mainstream media. Wales says: “The story seems to have legs, even though we’ve contacted Reuters and every other outlet to try to get a correction, no one seems to care at all. … No response. We’re important enough to write about, but not important enough for them to listen to at all.””

    Poynter Online via

  • Flexible Computer Keyboard

    Bent silicone keyboard “The Super Kool Keyboard is a Virtually Indestructible Keyboard, a silicon-based flexible computer keyboard, features a unique combination of durability and soft, comfortable feel. The washable, “roll-able” keyboard has been called “the best thing to happen to typing since the backspace key.””

    opAmerica via TSOB

    Check out Alternative Keyboard Gallery too (also via TSOB).

  • Massive Linux handout set for French schools

    “Thousands of secondary schools students in the French region of Auvergne will receive CDs containing free and open-source software when they return to school in September. The project, which has been funded by the local government, will distribute 64,000 packs of CDs to students, according to Linux Arverne, a Linux user group involved in the initiative. The project aims to get students and their families more interested in free and open-source software.” via

  • Ext2 IFS For Windows

    “It provides Windows NT4.0/2000/XP with full access to Linux Ext2 volumes (read access and write access). This may be useful if you have installed both Windows and Linux as a dual boot environment on your computer. The “Ext2 Installable File System for Windows” software is freeware. […] Linux Ext3 volumes can also be accessed.” via BlogsNow

  • Hollywood hails digital film deal

    “With digital projectors, films are screened and distributed by computer. […] Studios have spent the last three years working on the technology and have now settled on specifications they say are good enough for all types of movies. […] The cost of distributing each film will be cut by 75% because studios can send their films to cinemas by satellite, fibre optic cable or disc, instead of truck.”

    BBC via Afterdawn