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Language changing quicktag for WordPress
I’ve modified my quicktags.js to include a button for fast adding of
<span lang="language of choice">...</span>
pairs. Gotta keep those 0.03 voice browser users happy, you know! (All right, I pulled that figure out of my hat. Truth is, I don’t know if any of my blogs have any readers using text-to-speech synthesizers. But I’m opting on the safe side and trying to make most of my content accessible for such users by tagging it with the appropriate lang= parameters.)I was hoping to whip these modifications up into a plugin to be dropped into any modern WordPress installation, but it seems that documentation on how to make plugins add quicktags is non-existent, and I couldn’t make it work on my own. Every plugin author seems to have their own way of doing it and yet I was unable to find anything that would work for me.
So I’ll have to settle for making my changes to quicktags.js known here.
I begin by adding these lines into quicktags.js:
edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_lang' ,'lang=' ,'' ,'</span>' ,'l' ); function edSpanLang(myField, i) { langSelect = document.getElementById('edLang'); langLang = langSelect.options[langSelect.selectedIndex].value; if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) { edButtons[i].tagStart = '<span lang="' + langLang + '">'; edInsertTag(myField, i); } else { edInsertTag(myField, i); } }
Next, I change the edShowButton() function to include one additional
else if
-branch, like so:else if ( == 'ed_lang') { document.write('<input type="button" id="' + + '" accesskey="' + button.access + '" class="ed_button" onclick="edSpanLang(edCanvas, ' + i + ');" value="' + button.display + '" />\\n<form>\\n<select id="edLang">\\n<option value="en">en: English</option>\\n<option value="de">de: German</option>\\n<option value="fi">fi: Finnish</option>\\n<option value="sv">sv: Swedish</option>\\n</select>\\n</form>'); }
(Sheesh, it's a pain to try and format code inside a WordPress post. I tried to make sure there are no typos but if something breaks after applying these changes, I probably missed one or two. You'll have to use your own eyes and skillz in that case.)
Adding further languages into the drop down list is as easy as adding another
<option value="your two-letter language code of choice">your two-letter language code again: your plain English language name</option>\n
pair in between the<form>...</form>
block. As a Finn, I find the four languages listed in my example to be sufficient for most cases. (Now that I've said it, I realize that I should add French there as well. There's at least as much use for it as there is for German.)Here's my current (
24.5.200722.6.200719.10.2007) quicktags.js for reference. Note that it has three buttons for my Post Changelog Plugin: history, edit and at. Without the plugin, the code they produce will not work. -
WordPress quicktags: removing 'lookup'
The only relevant thread I found on WordPress support forums about this was closed to replies, so I’ll make a note of what I found here: removing the ‘lookup’ quicktag button from the post editor can be achieved by commenting out line 196 (WP 2.2) of quicktags.js (which is in wp-includes/js/), like this:
/* document.write('<input type="button" id="ed_spell" class="ed_button" onclick="edSpell(edCanvas);" title="' + quicktagsL10n.dictionaryLookup + '" value="' + quicktagsL10n.lookup + '" />'); */
No need to edit anything else, although I suppose you could comment out the
function too, since after the change there should be no use for it.Note that at least in my Firefox/Win I had to clean up the cache before reloading the post editor would reflect the change.
Käräjäoikeus: Nettiviestejä ei ole pyydetty poistettavaksi
“Toimivaltainen tuomioistuin näissä asioissa on lain 19 § perusteella keskustelupalstan kotipaikan tuomioistuin tai Helsingin käräjäoikeus. Kysyin Helsingin käräjäoikeudelta, kuinka paljon joukkoviestinnän vastuulain 18 § mukaisia keskeyttämismääräyksiä heiltä oli haettu.
Käräjäoikeuden mukaan vuonna 2005 sananvapausasioita käsiteltiin 22 kappaletta, vuonna 2006 35 kappaletta ja kuluvana vuonna juttuja on tullut vireille 32 kappaletta. Suurimmassa osassa tapauksista on ollut kyse joukkoviestinnän vastuulain 17 § mukaisesta tunnistamistietojen luovutuksesta.
Kyselyyni vastannut käräjätuomari arvioi, että 18 § mukaisia keskeyttämismääräyksiä on näinä vuosina vaadittu vain muutamissa tapauksissa ja ainakin yhdessä se on hyväksytty ja yhdessä hylätty.
Toisin sanoen: poliisi, syyttäjä tai asianosainen on yli kahden vuoden aikana pyytänyt verkkoviestin jakelun keskeyttämistä Helsingin käräjäoikeudelta noin kaksi kertaa! Vain toisessa tapauksessa pyyntö oli niin perusteltu, että oikeus hyväksyi sen.”