Category: Uncategorized
Musiikkipuhelimet ja tietokoneet jäivät hyvitysmaksun ulkopuolelle
Opetusministeriö on päättänyt tekijänoikeuslaissa säädetyn yksityisen kopioinnin hyvitysmaksusta vuodelle 2007. […] Maksun soveltamisalaa ei laajennettu[, joten sen] ulkopuolelle jäävät mm. matkapuhelimet ja tietokoneet.
Search Comments Plugin for WordPress
Stinky Dad’s Search Comment plugin at Frorse’s plugins (via) was apparently written for WP 1.5, but it seems to work just fine with 2.0.5, too. The results blend smoothly among the results of the normal, posts-only search, which was exactly what I was looking for.
Funnily, as I tried Dan Cameron’s Search Everything, which is said to be 2.0 and even 2.1 compatible, that didn’t work for me.
Utilizing Google’s Blog Search To Filter Google Reader Feeds shows a cool trick combining Google Blog Search with Reader to filter feeds’ contents (via this thread; dunno how to link to the exact post, if that’s even possible). I used this successfully to screen out all other posts except image collections from‘s and Webpark‘s feeds. Here’s the search for and the search for Webpark; these should work as long as they won’t change those titles.
Ubuntu Satanic Edition
The first version of Ubuntu Satanic Edition,
Evil Edgy
, is available for download from our secure APT repository. This release contains a number of themes to reveal Ubuntu’s darker side. -
Tuunailtuja digibokseja
Digiaikaan siirtymisen kunniaksi V ja Welho värväsivät TaiKin toisen vuosikurssin graafikko-opiskelijat tuunaamaan läjän tylsännäköisiä laatikoita uuteen uskoon. Jokaisen ihmettelijän tulee tietysti äänestää omaa suosikkiaan, sillä äänensä jakaneiden kesken arvotaan [tallentava digiboksi, Handanin CV-7800].
DVD Subtitles (with spumux and Windows)
The knowledge of turning text-only subtitles into something that can be burned onto a DVD (to be viewed in a DVD player) seems somewhat scattered when writing this, so I decided to put together my own notes for future reference.
What you should already have at this point:
- your video pre-muxed – i.e. an MPEG file containing both the video and the audio (in this example we’ll call it movie.mpg)
- your subtitles in a subtitle format text file ( in this example)
What you will end up with is an MPEG file with the subtitles muxed together with the video and audio tracks. Note: At this time, I do not know how to make the DVD display the subtitles when selected from a menu, nor automatically when the movie is played. A software DVD player (I use PowerDVD) does allow me to select the subtitle track from the DVD to be played, but I doubt it can be achieved with a stand-alone player. I do not know if DVDStyler currently even supports making DVDs with selectable subtitles. If you know it does, and also know how it’s done, please comment below.
Ok, here’s how to proceed:
- First, you need the dvdauthor package, which has spumux for Windows in it (release 0.6.9 is the highest one with pre-compiled Windows binaries available on the site at the moment). Put it somewhere in your path, or more typically, put it somewhere and then add the location to your path, as there’s a heap of files and I’m not sure which ones are necessary for spumux to do its thing.
- You then take the font you wish to use (from
) – say, Arial (arial.ttf) – and copy it in the same directory with your video.This probably isn’t necessary, but it eases writing the config file in the next step, as you don’t need to specify paths there.It seems that providing the path from within the XML file doesn’t work – at least I got amaybe the font path is wrong
notice when I tried it. - Next, you create an XML file – we’ll name it config.xml in this case – in your video directory, with the following contents:
<subpictures> <stream> <textsub filename="" characterset="ISO8859-1" fontsize="28.0" font="arial.ttf" horizontal-alignment="left" vertical-alignment="bottom" left-margin="60" right-margin="60" top-margin="20" bottom-margin="30" subtitle-fps="25" movie-fps="25" movie-width="720" movie-height="576" /> </stream> </subpictures>
Feel free to adjust the parameters to your taste and/or need.
- Then you call spumux to do the subtitling:
spumux config.xml < movie.mpg > movie_subtitled.mpg
I nicked most of this off a PDF file (Eli Billauer’s DVD Authoring in Linux). The contents of config.xml seem to be originally from spumux’s man page.
YouTube Quick Capture
Quick Capture allows you to record a YouTube video instantly. Please fill out the form and then start recording. Make sure your webcam is installed and working correctly.