In addition to the Gizmodo article HP Ink Costs More Than Human Blood, Booze
(via BlogsNow), check out The Price of A Gallon, a list of liquid prices at (via Autonomous2323). The only liquids topping black ink for an inkjet in price per gallon are mercury, insulin, Chanel No.5, LSD, and a couple of rare animal toxins! The pricing on those tiny cartridges is completely absurd.
Category: Uncategorized
The Cost of Inkjet Ink
Which is the real logo?
Tiukka logojentunnistustesti (via BlogsNow)! Netflix oli ainut jota en tuntenut entuudestaan, joten se ei riitä selittämään pisteideni heikkoutta; nähtävästi visuaalinen muisti ei ole vahvimpia puoliani.
Your time was 02:56:46. You rank 43.84% among our users. -
Firefox add-ons (extensions) for Google definitions and translation
A lot of times you do things the hard way, and thankfully not know it. I use Google definitions a lot, and have always done so by using copy and paste, or even by typing the words in manually. It struck me just now that this procedure would be so much easier with a proper add-on for Firefox; what if I could, after having painted the text I would normally then copy and paste into Google, just point and right-click it, and have the definition pop up there for me?
Doesn’t sound too complex, and sure enough, there already are extensions to do just that. The first one I tried was simply called Define. What it doesn’t do is give me the definition in the right-click menu, but instead gives me a shortcut item there for popping up the definition in a new tab.
Now that is just fine, but even that seems a bit too complicated to me now that I’ve got it in my head that the definition could be given to me right there, in the context of the word itself.
Enter Inline Google Definitions. With this little add-on, you get another item in the context menu (see the picture above), and by selecting it you get a nice little (JavaScript) pop-up window right by the highlighted term. After reading the definition you can close the pop-up or, if you wish, go see the actual Google definitions page the pop-up got its data from. Very nice!
When I began searching for the add-ons for Google definitions, I initially mistook gTranslate as one of them. It doesn’t do definitions, however, but instead translates (duh!) the highlighted text using one of selected dictionaries.
Although this wasn’t what I had in mind, I think gTranslate’s pretty useful too, so I’ve left it in my extensions for now. I do wish it did try the different dictionaries by itself until it would find a match, so that you wouldn’t have to choose the dictionary each time your source material uses a different language.
Though, I don’t know if that would slow the right-click menu down too much and also, you might want to keep one selected language constant while using a single source, as the same word may be found in different languages. But a
Select First Match
option in the dictionaries list would solve this.(The page I was reading and used in the screenshots above was a review for La planète blanche (The White Planet) at
Microsoft, Novell Reach Accord on Linux
“Microsoft Corp. reached a rapprochement with a major seller of the Linux operating system, a deal that makes a kind of peace between two opposing camps in the software industry. The deal with Novell Inc. is designed to make it easier for customers to use both Linux and Microsoft’s Windows software. […]
The deal effectively makes Microsoft a reseller of Suse Linux, Novell’s version of the operating system, and kicks off a broad technology collaboration between the two companies. At the heart of the deal is a ‘patent covenant’ under which Microsoft agreed not to file patent-infringement charges against users of Suse Linux, and Novell agreed not to sue users of Windows.”
Ohjelmistojätti Microsoft ryhtyy tukemaan Windowsin ja Linuxin rinnakkaiskäyttöä. Yhtiö on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen Linuxia jakelevan Novellin kanssa. […] Yhtiöt ryhtyvät myös kehittämään yhdessä käyttöjärjestelmien rinnakkaiskäyttöä helpottavia ohjelmistoratkaisuja. Lisäksi Microsoft ei perää patenttioikeuksiaan sellaisten ohjelmistoratkaisujen osalta, joista tullaan mahdollisesti liittämään Suse Linuxiin.
Yle24 via Juha
Timed Shutdown (for Windows)
This program can be used to automatically shutdown, restart, log off, disconnect or hibernate your computer. There are four triggers that can be used: at a certain time, after a certain time, when the CPU usage goes down or when you get disconnected from the internet. This means that your computer doesn’t have to be on any longer [than] necessary.
Wikipedian Maria Guzenina -artikkelin vandalismista rikosilmoitus
Maria Guzenina on tehnyt rikosilmoituksen (via Juha), koska katsoo joutuneensa
kohteeksi Wikipediassa.Nettihäirikkö
on Iltasanomien termi, eikä jutusta selviä tuon taivaallista siitä, mikä on epäillyn rikoksen nimeke tai juuri mitään muutakaan. Guzenina-artikkelin keskustelusivullakin halutaan lähinnä vain hillitä spekulointeja.