Keltaisen Pörssin verkkopalvelu maksuttomaksi
Keltaisen Pörssin verkkopalvelu on muuttumassa maksuttomaksi helmikuun aikana.
YLE24 via Ampparit
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WordPress 2.0.7 Released
Recently a bug in certain versions of PHP came to our attention that could cause a security vulnerability in your blog. We’re able to work around it fairly easily, so we’ve decided to release 2.0.7 to fix the PHP security problem and the Feedburner issue that was in 2.0.6. It is recommended that everyone running WordPress 2.0.6 or lower upgrade to this new version.
Last.fm cripples player due to pressure from a record label
A recent update of the until-then-excellent Last.fm player was a downgrade in features. I had assumed this was either by a mistake or just due to my laziness for not searching vigorously enough where those features had been moved to.
I just found out those features have simply been stripped from the player. Yup, gone.
And guess who’s behind it?
We were asked by a major record label to remove these features and it was a choice between removing the features or not receiving their music any more, as well as being sued.