• The Bob-clock

    “The Bob-clock is a wall-clock I have built, which uses 60 multi-color LEDs arranged in a circle to represent the small and big arm of an analog clock. If desired, it can also display the seconds with a third color.”

    symlink.dk via Juha

  • Rockbox – Open Source Jukebox Firmware

    “Rockbox is an open source replacement firmware for mp3 players. It runs on a number of different models:

    • Archos: Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 and Ondio
    • iRiver: H100 and H300 series
    • Apple: iPod 4G (grayscale and color), 5G (Video) and Nano
    • Additional models are in development”

    Rockbox via Boing Boing

  • Puolustusministeriö vaihtaa Linuxiin

    Puolustusministeriö on ottanut käyttöön Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän kriittisten tietokoneohjelmistojensa alustana. Ministeriön mukaan sen toiminta ja päätöksenteko riippuu tietojärjestelmän häiriöttömyydestä ja turvallisuudesta. […]

    Puolustusministeriön järjestelmän päivityksistä, ylläpidosta ja muista vastaavista tehtävistä vastaa Novell, jolta puolustusministeriö hankki SuSE Linuxinsa.”

    HS.fi via Juha
    linkitys omani

  • Municator: a basic, affordable all-purpose Linux computer

    [Municator] is a 146$ Linux computer (Thinix OS) from China that does all the basic things most people need, like [browsing, emailing, instant messaging, skype, word processing, audio/video playback] all through a very user-friendly very basic interface and is software upgradable.

    cebitvideo.com via Juha

  • Starforce enforces DRM by instant reboot (without warning)

    “This copy protection system installs a driver that runs at the highest level of access on the system, which gives it low level access to the PCs hardware and any drivers and processes. This driver runs regardless of whether the game runs; keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity such as attempting to copy a protected disc. If something suspicious is detected, it forces the PC to make an immediate reboot, regardless of any other applications running and whether or not the user has any unsaved work.”

    cdfreaks.com via Juha

  • Google GMail Loader: Import your existing email into GMail

    “Originally, the GMail Loader only worked with mBox format files (because it is all I needed) and was command line based. As others asked for similar functions, I began to expand it. Today, the GMail Loader is a graphical, cross-platform, Python based utility that supports two mBox formats (Netscape, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Most Other Clients), MailDir (Qmail, others), MMDF (Mutt), MH (NMH), and Babyl (Emacs RMAIL). Eventually, I plan to add support for direct sending of IMAP accounts, and am working on a library that can read and export Microsoft Outlook PST files.”

    M. Lyon via Janne

  • TLAs and FCBs (four colored blocks)

    Two logos with the colored blocks theme As if the already all too generic “four different colored blocks” logo wasn’t enough, here’s a Winamp plugin called AVS to get confused with the anti-virus software called AVG.

  • PS3 Comes With Linux Preinstalled

    “[According to Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment,] PS3 will include a 60GB hard drive (which is upgradeable) with Linux preinstalled.”

    1up.com via LinuxDevices.com via BlogsNow

  • Judge tells DoJ "No" on search queries

    “Google will not have to hand over any user’s search queries to the government. That’s what a federal judge ruled today when he decided to drastically limit a subpoena issued to Google by the Department of Justice. […]

    The government’s original request demanded billions of URLs and two month’s worth of users’ search queries. […] In addition to excluding search queries from the subpoena, Judge James Ware also required the government to limit its demand for URLs to 50,000.”

    Google Blog via BlogsNow