“Kansalliset merkit (å, ä ja ö) otetaan käyttöön Internetin fi-päätteisissä verkkotunnuksissa syyskuun alusta.”
[sarkasmia] Entä koskahan ne skandit saadaan toimimaan YLEn RSS:ssä? [/sarkasmia]
“Kansalliset merkit (å, ä ja ö) otetaan käyttöön Internetin fi-päätteisissä verkkotunnuksissa syyskuun alusta.”
[sarkasmia] Entä koskahan ne skandit saadaan toimimaan YLEn RSS:ssä? [/sarkasmia]
“Ruotsalainen webhotelleja tarjoava Loopia on tehnyt kovan alennustarjouksen Firefox-käyttäjille: jokainen uusi asiakas, joka käyttää Firefoxia, saa 50% alennuksen Loopialta.”
“Free calls are good, but free software is better. How about both? Wengo is proud to bring you the best open-source VoIP softphone, and the quality SIP service that plays nice with it. Wengo is a European company backed by a major telecom player, totally commited to providing you with the most open platform for IP telephony, video conferencing, and more.”
“Wouldn’t it be cool if your friends using other IM applications could contact you on Skype? […] What if you could use Skype to communicate with a product reviewer on a Web site, to chat with other players in an online game using Skype? All of these things and a few more that we haven’t dreamed up yet will become possiblities with SkypeNet API, a new set of tools and services that programmers can use to take Skype into new places that you may have never dreamed of before. SkypeNet API will enable developers to access our IM and Presence system and bring it into new applications without needing to have the full version of Skype running on the machine. ”
“A simulcast of BBC One or BBC Two, letting UK viewers see programmes on the web at the same time as they go out on TV, is being planned. […] A player to let viewers watch shows on the internet for a week after they have been broadcast on TV is in development. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper, [director of TV Jana Bennett] said she hoped to simulcast a channel within the next year. “It’s a great way of getting public service content, which people have already paid for, out to people in a different way,” she said.”
some links added
“This is a mostly unverified list of free, sign-up and pay image hosts suggested for use in Photoshop and Farktography contests on the website Fark.com (but also similar contests on sites like MechaPixel and Worth1000).”
“I paid over $400 for the software last year, and I decided didn’t really like the way the program worked […] So I listed it on eBay complete with the original CD they’d sent me, the key codes for the modules I’d purchased, and the on-disk documentation. I had three days left on the listing and I had a high bid of over $100, which was what I was hoping to receive. That’s when the threatening e-mail started.”
“””Welcome to the Stone Age of instant messaging!” Ken Fisher, a Ph.D. student, wrote at PC resource site Ars Technica. His review deemed Google’s service “Spartan” for its failure to allow file transfers and group chats, and for its lack of emoticons and “skins,” or customized, decorative graphics.”
File transfers: Yes, I definitely think they should add this feature. IM clients are no match for true file transferring methods, but quick transfers (e.g. “take a look at this request box”) during messaging are invaluable for me.
Group chats: I’ve very rarely used the group chat feature (mainly just when testing it out of curiosity), but I know YMMV and I respect that. Can’t quite see though, why not use IRC if you need this feature a lot.
Lack of emoticons and other decorative graphics: Fuck that! I’ve turned emoticons off long ago and have been a lot happier since. Would be even happier if MSN allowed me to strip all “decorative” graphics from it; most of it is entirely useless and annoying. The first thing I liked about Google Talk was the simple looks this guy calls Spartan. Again, I’m not saying nobody should like these features, but, for crying out loud, don’t force it on everybody as default!
“Sonera ilmoitti korjanneensa sähköpostinsa ongelmat. Vika alkoi [varhain] aamulla, ja liikenne palautui normaaliksi kello 13:40. Vika koski koko Suomen aluetta ja ilmeni siten, ettei sähköpostiin kirjautuminen onnistunut, eivätkä käyttäjät voineet sisäänkirjautua Soneran sähköpostipalveluun. Edelleen kuitenkin Soneran datayhteyksiä on poikki Itä-Suomen alueella.”