timbl's blogging!

“That said, it is nice to have a machine to the administrative work of handling the navigation bars and comment buttons and so on, and it is nice to edit in a mode in which you can to limited damage to the site. So I am going to try this blog thing using blog tools. So this is for all the people who have been saying I ought to have a blog.”

DIG Breadcrumbs via Juha

Sananvapaus on laajentunut netin ansiosta

“Yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori Pertti Lappalainen Tampereen yliopiston Politiikan tutkimuksen laitokselta […] korostaa, että [Internet] on laajentanut ihmisten sananvapauden tasolle, jolla se ei ole ollut koskaan aiemmin maailmanhistoriassa. […] Lappalaisen mukaan valtamedia ja perinteinen politiikka ovat kohdanneet aitoja vastavoimia [Internetin] myötä. [… Internet] on demokraattinen väline, jonka käyttöä vaikkapa terrorismin ja muun rikollisuuden edistämisessä on vaikea estää.”

Kouvolan Sanomat via MBnet

Reading protected LiveJournal entries via RSS

“[…] if you add /rss?auth=digest to the end of the URL, and include the standard HTTP authentication at the beginning of the URL (username:password@ between the protocol and the server address), then the RSS feed will include the protected entries.”

eclecticism via P. Aston’s

This works for Thunderbird, which does support HTTP authentication for feeds, though apparently not HTTPS. You can’t view the entries this way, but at least do get the headlines.

…Except it seems to keep asking me to log in, although it does remember my id and password! That sucks.