Tag: glitch

  • Firefox, proxy (proxies), 404 = slow as hell

    This is probably the single most annoying bug in Firefox for me, as I have butterfingers when it comes to typing in URLs. Glad to see it’s been reported and hopefully it’ll be fixed in the fothcoming Firefox 2.

    “Firefox is setup to use a Squid proxy server. I attempt to visit a non-existant domain that will bring up a DNS error on the proxy server. The moment between me submiting the address and the proxy server returning the error, Firefox locks up the system. […] It is not until the proxy server returns the error that I am able to continue working normaly.”


  • Lexar JumpDrive USB Storage Devices Recalled for Burn Hazard

    A blue Lexar FireflyName of Product:Lexar JumpDrive® FireFly and 1GB Secure II […]
    Hazard:The recalled JumpDrives® FireFly and Secure II products could overheat, posing a risk of burns to consumers and property damage.”

    CPSC via Juha

  • HP Recalls Digital Cameras Due to Fire Hazard

    Hazard: A HP R707 digital camera The digital camera can cause certain non-rechargeable batteries, such as the Duracell CP-1, to overheat when the camera is connected to an AC adapter or docking station, posing a fire hazard.

    Incidents/Injuries: HP has received one report of a camera catching fire, damaging the camera and its docking station, and causing minor smoke damage to the room. No injuries have been reported.

    Description: This recall involves the HP Photosmart R707 digital camera. The HP logo and the model name and number are printed on the front of the camera.”

    CPSC via Juha

  • Just some stats…

    “Just some stats… here are some reasons why TPB is down sometimes – and how long it usually takes to fix[.]”

    The Pirate Bay via Juha

  • UPS!

    “Taideteollisen korkeakoulun it-järjestelmiä kohtasi viime viikon torstaina katastrofi, joka johtui varavirtajärjestelmästä, jonka olisi pitänyt lisätä järjestelmän toimintavarmuutta. Varavirtalaitteistossa kirjaimellisesti räjähti, minkä seuraukset ovat olleet varsin erikoiset, ja saattavat johtaa jopa viikkojen katkoon. […] “Onni on se, ettei ihmishenkiä menetetty, ja että kaikilla on sormet tallella”, kerrotaan it-puolelta.”

    Tietokone via Juha

  • Dropload hits 400,000 users, fixes bugs

    “We have fixed a few recent bugs – we are aware the progress bars for uploads had been failing to update, this is now resolved.

    We have also added a feature to let you un-expire a file if it’s picked up (For free), you can undelete by looking in your history and clicking on one of the files, if the file is able to be unexpired it will show a link.”


    I can verify the progress bar now works under Firefox 1.5.03/Windows XP, but the main send form window (or tab) still triggers the “unresponsive script” problem after the progress bar closes. Sending does work, though, as it has done despite the problems with the progress bar.

  • Hacker hits Toronto transit message system

    “GO Transit spokesman Edmund Shea explained that Toronto-based Exclusive Advertising Inc., which set up the signs inside the trains, is usually responsible for programming the messages on them. “These are basic scrolling signs with advertising messages and GO Transit messages,” he said. “They were installed at least six years ago, and they’ve been problem-free until someone hacked into them and [changed the messages]. There have been about half a dozen incidents since last [April 27]. Unfortunately, they put a message on it that was a slur to our Stephen Harper, our prime minister – obviously, it’s not our message. We don’t endorse it. We regret that it happened and we’re sorry if anyone’s been offended, including our prime minister.””

    Computerworld via Juha

    The message inserted by the hacker was “Stephen Harper eats babies.”