Tag: hacking

  • Terratec Cinergy Digital 1200 DVB-C, Terratec Home Cinema ja Jyväskylän (Jyväsviestimen) kaapeliverkko

    Askartelin Terratec Home Cineman taajuustiedostosta version, jossa on Jyväsviestinnän (Elisan) digitaajuudet muxeineen: Terratec-Home-Cinema-Frequencies-Jkl.zip (14 kt). Alkuperäisen Frequencies.xml:n pitäisi löytyä kansiosta C:\Program Files\TerraTec\TerraTec Home Cinema\. Sammuta THC ensin, jos se on käynnissä ja nimeä alkuperäinen uudelleen (vaikkapa .old-päätteiseksi) ennen kuin kopioit paketista löytyvän Frequencies.xml:n kansioon, jotta katastrofin sattuessa alkuperäinen on tallessa.

    Tämän jälkeen THC:n asetusten skannausvälilehdellä pitäisi Alue-alasvetovalikossa olla valittavissa “Finland – Jkl”, jonka skannaamalla ainakin minä sain kaikki kanavat Radio Vegaa lukuunottamatta näkymään ja kuulumaan. Näin siis kirjoitushetkellä uusimmilla BDA-ajureilla ja THC:lla (BDA 4.8.11, THC 4.19).

    Alkuperäinen tiedosto on asennuksen jälkeen kirjoitussuojattu, siis “Vain luku” -tyyppiä. En tiedä, onko sillä merkitystä, mutta varmuuden vuoksi tein omastanikin sellaisen.

  • Disabling Playstation2's Parental Level Control

    Came across my PS2’s parental level setting for the first time last night. A quick googling revealed the odiously complicated procedure of disabling it, as aquired by whimzywim straight from the horse’s mouth, the Sony tech support. I tidied it up and wrapped it in to a list to make it a bit easier to follow.

    1. Turn off your PS2.
    2. Turn it on and insert the DVD.
    3. When you are notified of the parental controls being set, choose Yes.
    4. It then asks you for your password; hit select. It should now say delete password.
    5. Enter password 7444.
    6. You are asked to create a new password; make it 0000 (and re-enter it when it asks for confirmation). It then should say registration complete and will continue to DVD menu.
    7. Start playing the movie.
    8. Once the movie begins playing press select.
    9. You should now have a bunch of icons on the screen; click on the stop icon.
    10. Bring up the icons again by pressing Select.
    11. The stop icon should be grey even though you are highlighting it. If it is still blue, press it again.
    12. Once the stop button is grey, even though you are highlighting it, click on the icon underneath the 7 – the one that looks like a briefcase and is called Setup.
    13. Hit the right directional button until you are at the custom setup screen.
    14. Hit the down directional button until you are on the parental control setting.
    15. Hit the right directional button.
    16. It should ask for your password; enter 0000.
    17. Press the down directional button until you are at Level.
    18. Press the right directional button.
    19. Press up on the directional button until you reach the desired level; off is at the very top.
    20. Click X.
    21. Go back to the original icon list and press play.
    22. Play the movie to make sure it plays. Do NOT turn off the PS2.
    23. Once the movie is playing, press the eject button, remove the DVD and close the tray.
    24. Once the tray is closed, turn off the PS2 by using the switch on the back of the console.
    25. Wait at least 5 seconds.
    26. Turn your PS2 back on and insert the DVD.
    27. The settings should now be saved and you should be able to play DVDs without the annoying parental controls.
  • Karvalakkihakki

    “This project is inspired by drunken chats during summer music festivals. A personal light-show to wear after dark. Overall more than 6 months from start to finish. No comment on whether this was time well spent. […] My machine is industrial rather than pretty.”

    www.lushprojects.com via Juha

  • Firewall Leak Tester's RemoveWGA: Prevent Windows From Phoning Home

    “RemoveWGA enables you to remove the Microsoft “Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications” tool, which is calling home and connect to Microsoft servers every time you boot.”

    firewall leak tester via My Digital Life via Juha

  • Updating your computer is almost complete – Restart Now?

    “Now, to get rid of it:
    Start / Run / gpedit.msc / Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update / Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations

    You can configure how often it will nag you (I re-configured it for 720 minutes, which means I’ll be asked twice on a work day), or completely disable it. [This] setting is only loaded when Windows starts, so a reboot is needed.”

    D. Turini via C.A. Mackay via Juha

    Suomenkielinen asetus näyttäisi olevan (‘Paikallinen tietokone’ -käytäntö / Tietokoneasetukset / Hallintamallit / Windowsin osat / Windows Update /) Uusi kehote ajoitetun asennuksen uudelleenkäynnistyksen yhteydessä. Mutta! Sen Ominaisuuksissa sanotaan näin:

    “Jos tila on Poissa käytöstä tai Ei määritetty, oletusaikaväli on 10 minuuttia.”

    Toisin sanoen sen poistaminen käytöstä ei ole mahdollista, vaan sitä pystyy vain viivyttämään. Huomasin tämän käytännössä viimeisimpien päivitysten asennuttua, kun tuo “Tietokoneen päivitys on melkein valmis. Sinun on käynnistettävä tietokone uudelleen, jotta päivitykset tulevat käyttöön. Haluatko käynnistää tietokoneen uudelleen heti?” -ilmoitus hyppäsi silmille heti sen käytöstäpoistamisesta huolimatta.

  • Remove Duplicate Messages: Prefere to delete…

    I’ve been using the Remove Duplicate Messages extension a couple of weeks now. It’s working well apart from the fact that the Prefs dialog doesn’t seem to be working, or at least for the “Prefere to delete…” selection doesn’t get saved. I prefer the “unread” choice, so I dug inside the extension’s code and found out the line needed in Thunderbird’s prefs.js file:

    user_pref("extensions.removeduplicates.prefereddelete", 1);

    Just stick it in there, among other extensions’ settings. Make sure TB is not running when manually editing prefs.js, otherwise any changes will be overwritten when TB is shut down.

  • Funny: How to Break Windows Notepad

    “Here’s a really funny way to break Notepad that a coworker showed me this morning. […] It will not crash your computer, it just breaks Notepad in that it causes it to display very oddly. No perm damage comes of the following steps.”

    WinCustomize via Juha

  • Separating Pingbacks/Trackbacks from comments in WordPress 2.0

    “Here’s some code below to enable you to separate pingbacks/trackbacks from comments in WordPress 2.0. Pingbacks/trackbacks are listed first, followed by comments in this example. It will also not show the excerpt for pingbacks/trackbacks and just show the link for these.”

    cr8d via HandySolo

  • SmackBook Pro

    Smacking a Mac Erling Ellingsen made a totally sweet looking hack for switching between virtual desktops using the motion detector sensors on his laptop, normally used to switch off the hard drive in case the computer is dropped. (Via Juha.)