“Hintaseuranta on laajentanut seurantaa elokuvien hintoihin. Hintaseurannasta löytyy jo yli 1000 eri nimikettä, sisältäen pitkät elokuvat sekä tv-sarjat.”
MBnet via Juha
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Tag: Internet
Elokuvat mukaan MBnetin Hintaseurantaan
BlueFrog Folds
“In an interview with Wired News, Blue Security CEO Eran Reshef said the Israel-based company was closing its service Wednesday since he did not want to be responsible for an ever-escalating war that could bring down internet service providers and websites around the world and subject its users to denial-of-service attacks from a well-organized group in control of a massive army of computer drones.”
Wired via Juha
Dropload hits 400,000 users, fixes bugs
“We have fixed a few recent bugs – we are aware the progress bars for uploads had been failing to update, this is now resolved.
We have also added a feature to let you un-expire a file if it’s picked up (For free), you can undelete by looking in your history and clicking on one of the files, if the file is able to be unexpired it will show a link.”
I can verify the progress bar now works under Firefox 1.5.03/Windows XP, but the main send form window (or tab) still triggers the “unresponsive script” problem after the progress bar closes. Sending does work, though, as it has done despite the problems with the progress bar.
Hopeisen Omenan käyttäjät käräyttivät PowerBook-varkaan
“Espoolaisen Kari Päivärinnan kannettava varastettiin autosta keskellä kirkasta päivää Oulun keskustassa kolmisen viikkoa sitten. Päivärinnan kaveri kertoi tapahtuneesta Hopeisessa Omenassa ja viikkoa myöhemmin tuntomerkkejä [vastaava] kohde löydettiin Huuto.netistä. Koneen sarjanumero paljasti[, että kyseessä oli varastettu laite], joten asiasta ilmoitettiin [poliisille]. Koska virkavalta ei reagoinut asiaan toivotulla tavalla, Homppulaiset päätivät hoitaa asian itse.”
Omenatarha via Juha
linkitykset omiani -
ABC to offer some of biggest hits online for free
“ABC will offer four prime-time shows including “Desperate Housewives” and “Lost” on its Web site for free for two months beginning in May as it continues to expand the ways consumers can watch TV online.
The shows will include advertising that cannot be skipped over during viewing. ABC […]already offers ad-free episodes for $1.99 each on Apple Computer Inc.’s iTunes store.”
MSNBC via Satu
First Annual Naked Day: April 05
That’s right, I’m starting the first annual CSS Naked Day. In the spirit of promoting Web Standards along with good semantic markup and proper hierarchy structures, April 5th will be a day of nakedness for all webmasters to remove their style sheets from their website for one day. Signining up is not required, just simply comment in this thread with a link to your website and let everyone else know that you’re participating.
A sneak peek at Google's new interface
“A new search results interface is in the works at Google. Originally the domain of rumor sites, it’s now possible for almost anyone to get a glimpse of the new look”
Peter Forsgårdin domain-rekisteröinti episode 1
“Nykyäänhän saa domainin rekisteröityä omalle nimelle .fi-päätteisenä ja siihen saa vielä sen ruåtsalaisen O:nkin. Valitsin siis luonnollisesti peterforsgård.fi. Rekisteröin sen Nebulan kautta. Tieto domainin hyväksymisestä tulikin aika nopeasti ja parissa päivässä oli myös Viestintävirasto hyväksynyt domainini, lähettäen siitä vahvistuksen emailila. Nebula lähetti laskun minulle ja kaikki näytti olevan kunnossa, vaan eipä ollutkaan.”
P. Forsgård via Juha
YouTube caps video lengths to reduce infringement
“This week [YouTube] announced a new “Premium Content Program” aimed at reducing the amount of pirated material on their site. The program creates a new level of membership that is required for users who wish to post video that are longer than 10 minutes in length.”