Tag: news
Kilpailuvirasto tutkii Topfieldin hinnoittelua
Kilpailuvirasto selvittää, onko Topfield-digisovittimien maahantuoja syyllistynyt määrähinnoitteluun. Kyseisten boksien hinnoittelusta on tullut virastoon useita valituksia. Valitukset tehneet ovat ihmetelleet, miksi Topfield-boksien hinnat ovat pysyneet pitkään samalla tasolla ja miksi hinnoissa ei ole eroja eri jälleenmyyjien välillä.
Sony fixes/replaces their defective DVDs
Sony has fixed (via /.) the problem with their dvd:s and have promised to replace defective copies already distributed to consumers.
Michigan iPod proposal possibly influenced by Apple
Two Michigan lawmakers who support a plan to spend millions of state tax dollars order to buy an iPod for every child in the state may have flown to California thanks to Apple. The accusations raise questions as to whether the two lawmakers support the plan so heavily because they genuinely support it or whether it was due to the financial influence of Apple.