Tag: news
Eduskunta päätti nettilapsipornon sensurointilaista
Eduskunta löi tiistaina yksimielisesti lukkoon uudet lakipykälät, jotka mahdollistavat poliisin ja teleoperaattoreiden yhteistyön lapsipornon leviämisen ehkäisemiseksi.
Sun Opens Java
Today in a historic move, Sun is opening the door to greater innovation by open sourcing key Java implementations—Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE), Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME), and Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE)—under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2), the same license as GNU/Linux. Sun is now the biggest contributor to the open-source community.
The Treviño Story
Some guy decided to make a huge list of random Ubuntu repositories around the
web, and he recommends people to dump it to their sources.list without thinking[.] Hundreds of people (most of them Italian) have obeyed him without realizing that the maintainer of ANY of those repositories can do ANYTHING she wants to their systems: destroying or stealing files, stealing passwords, criminal activity through the computers…