Linux ja digikuvat

@ 12:11

Nyt kun Sonyn kortinlukijahiiri toimii, alkaa kaivata jotain cam2pc:tä vastaavaa, jolla kuvien siirto toimisi näppärästi.

Googletan digital camera linux ja saan heti tulokseksi gPhoton. Se löytyy myös jakelusta, joten haen dselectillä ja saan tulokseksi gphoto2:n:

Package: gphoto2 (2.1.4-2)
The gphoto2 digital camera command-line client

The gphoto2 library can be used by applications to access various digital camera models. This package provide the gphoto2 command-line frontend.

Se puolestaan suosittelee gtkamia, joka onkin gPhoton virallinen GUI.

Molemmat valitaan ja asennetaan, nyt testaamaan.

Ah, RTFM ennen kuin asennat.

Is my camera supported?

Possible answers:

    Very nice. Have fun!
not yet
    Not so good. You'll have to write your own driver or modify an existing one. You should contact the developers at [ gphoto minus devel at lists dot sourceforge dot net ] to coordinate your efforts with others who may already working it.
not any more
    There have been few drivers in gphoto 0.x.x which haven't been ported to libgphoto2 because there was no one to test them. But now that you have entered the stage, you can either port the driver yourself or ask whether a developers wants to do it. In either case, please coordinate your efforts with the rest of the world at [ gphoto minus devel at lists dot sourceforge dot net ].
no (and will never be)
    We will not support cameras in USB mass storage mode. Your operating system already has drivers for these. Just use the cameras like you would use a USB disk drive or USB flash disk.

sargeX:/home/jani# apt-get --purge remove gtkam gphoto2
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
gphoto2* gtkam*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives.
After unpacking 1163kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
(Reading database ... 110872 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing gtkam ...
Purging configuration files for gtkam ...
Removing gphoto2 ...

Äkkiseltään en tuon jälkeen löydä softaa joka tekis sen minkä cam2pc myös usb-massamuistille, eli että mountais, antais nimetä hakemiston johon kuvat pannaan, siirtäisi ne ja unmountaisi sen jälkeen. Ei ollenkaan vaikea kyllä ole skriptiä tuohon kehitellä, jos ei mitään löydy.

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