Blogger tyrii uudistuksen kympillä

@ 10:48 | linkki


If you are using Firefox/Mozilla and don't see the the new editor, refresh your browser on the compose post view. Also, in Firefox/Mozilla you may need to tell the built-in pop-up blocker to unblock if you are unable to load the spellcheck or upload file dialogs.

Update: There was a bug in the initial release that would crash the latest version of Firefox when switching between compose modes. This bug has been fixed and we are in the process of pushing out the new code.

We are still looking at at the issue whereby Firefox will successfully publish, but never advance the progress indicator.

Näitten tuossa mainittujen ohella voisin myös herjata tästä ulkoasusta:

Bloggerin uusi editori

Missä on oikea laita? Missä on esikatselu?! Vai ovatko nämä vain ominaisuuksia?

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