Firefox [b] (cc)

New AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition now available

Download the New AVG Free Edition Now.

After 5 years and millions of free downloads, GRISOFT is pleased to announce the upgrade of the popular AVG Free Edition. Individual home computer users with the NEW version of AVG Free Edition will now benefit from some of the significant improvements drawn from the AVG Professional Editions.

Please also be advised, that as of December 31st, 2004, database updates and support for older versions of AVG Free Edition will no longer be available. (...) Your current AVG Free Edition will be uninstalled during the installation process of the New AVG Free Edition.


[#] | @ 20:40 | k: 0

MOOX Power!

I build optimized builds of both the Firefox browser and the Thunderbird email client. My builds are designed for maximum stability and speed. So far I have found a sizable increase in browsing speed, when compared to the official Firefox builds, as evidenced by this analysis (PDF). Kasa

[#] | @ 16:09 | k: 3

Digiboksit ja digi-tv:n näkyvyys

SwitchX valaisi asiaa, joka minua onkin mietityttänyt, eli digiboksin käyttöä pöytäantennin kanssa. Ilmeisesti se toimii kyllä, kunhan vain signaali on riittävän voimakas.

Tätä myöten otin vihdoin selvää myös digi-tv:n näkyvyysalueiden tämän hetken tilanteesta: Lapissa tuo tulee toimimaan näillä näkymin vasta ensi vuonna.

[#] | @ 15:25 | k: 0

Mozilla firefoxin aloitussivu

by Google™

[#] | @ 14:44 | k: 0

Firefox 1.0: kuinka popup-ikkunat ohjataan tabeihin

URL-kenttään about:config

Filter-kenttään singlewindow

Tuplaklikkaa browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs (niin, että sen arvoksi tulee true).

(Ohjelman uudelleenkäynnistyk)sen jälkeen asetuksien Advanced-välilehdellä on käytettävissä Force links that open new windows to open in -valinta.


[#] | @ 10:49 | k: 0

End of Support for AVG Anti-Virus 6.0

In order to continue to be protected by AVG Anti-Virus, you must be using AVG 7.0.
Grisoft Iso-Jussi

[#] | @ 01:25 | k: 0

Linux and AverTV Go Series: 2/2

Note: I am using this card in a cable network in Finland, so depending on your location and signal, YMMV.

Next I installed tvtime. It can't record programs (xawtv does that), but IMO it's the best application for just watching them.

When installing tvtime in Sid, dpkg asks some questions about the tuning, but the full scan, which is needed in a cable network isn't an option there (the european frequency set seemed to work, though). For that I ran tvtime's own tvtime-scanner as root. That gave me a working configuration in /root/.tvtime/stationlist.xml, from which I was able to tweak the channels into order and name them properly. In order to use this set of channels, the Custom channel set needs to be chosen from tvtime's Channel management menu → Change frequency table.

Starting tvtime once as a normal user creates the configuration directory (.tvtime) under the user's home directory. I copied my hand-tweaked stationlist.xml into /etc/tvtime/ (that's where tvtime's system-wide configuration is kept in Debian), and linked it back for my normal user account's use:

$ ln -s /etc/tvtime/stationlist.xml ~/.tvtime/stationlist.xml

[#] | @ 16:49 | k: 0

Linux and AverTV Go Series: 1/2

The need-to-know part of configuring this card is knowing which values to pass to the bttv module. What I found was that first of all, it seems that using either 13 (TVCapture98) or 41 (TVPhone98) as the card value will do. Also, both 38 (FM1216ME MK3) and 41 (FI1216 MK, available in later versions of bttv) seem to be working solutions as the tuner value. Note that 5 did not work for me (even though it's referred to as FI1216 and compatibles in the listing). What I did was load up modconf and pass these arguments to bttv (under kernel/drivers/media/video when using kernel 2.6.9 like me):

card=13 tuner=41

If the bttv driver has already been loaded during boot, you'll need to unload it first, of course. At first I was a bit confused because the bt878 module was using the bttv module, and it was located under kernel/drivers/media/dvb/bt8xx which wasn't too apparent for me (I've never had a dvb card) so it took me some time to find it to be able to unload it from modconf.

Later I hope to be able to get the remote controller working too. I know it's possible since I've had it working before once.

[#] | @ 16:21 | k: 0

AverTV Go Series: going to configure it

I thought my AverTV Go Series tv-card was essentially the same as TVCapture98, but lspci seems to indicate it's not:

jani@c63:~$ lspci -n -s 01:06.0
0000:01:06.0 0400: 109e:036e (rev 11)

Whereas the bttv driver Cards listing says the PCI-ID for the TVCapture98 is 1461:0004.

I'm configuring it for Debian (once again), and this time I'm gonna make notes of how I do it, god damn it!

[#] | @ 14:52 | k: 0

Setting up Windows partitions for Linux use (in a dual boot system)

As it seems that I need to learn the octal protection masks anew each time I have to use them, I'll just post the stuff I go through to make the Windows partitions visible after each time I've installed Debian.

Warning: As I had already gone through this, I faked the lines below. I tried being careful to get them right, but currently they're still untested for my part. If you imitate this, think before you type.

First, set up a group called windows and add myself there:

# addgroup windows
Adding group `windows' (1001)...
# adduser jani windows
Adding user `jani' to group `windows'...

Next, make the needed mounting directories under /mnt and set up their owners and rights. Add links to ease shell usage.

# mkdir -p /mnt/Windows/C /mnt/Windows/D
# cd /mnt
# chown -R Windows
# cd Windows
# chmod 555 C
# chmod 775 D
# ln -s C c
# ln -s D d
# cd ..
# ln -s Windows windows

Now, set up /etc/fstab so that both partitions will be mounted at boot, world-readable, the system partition unwritable for everyone and the work partition writable for everyone in the windows group. For rather sain minded paranoia, deny world readability, although that might lead to problems with things such as using desktop backgrounds from these partitions. Can't remember if I've tried this though, just a gut feeling I have. Anyway, the lines of fstab telling Sid what to do with these, I've written as follows:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/Windows/C ntfs ro,user,gid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 0 0
/dev/hda2 /mnt/Windows/D vfat rw,user,gid=1001,fmask=0113,dmask=0002 0 0

[#] | @ 13:29 | k: 0

Anonymous CVS login

Apparently it's not like ftp; giving my e-mail address as password I was denied access. Then, after giving an empty password I was warned that ~/.cvspass did not exist, but apparently, I was logged in anyway (I tried faking it by creating an empty file, but seems I got that wrong, using cvspass and not .cvspass as the fake file name, so in the end it had nothing to do with the outcome :-J).

Oh, and what I'm doing here is downloading the alpha version of the ZC030X Webcam Linux driver.

jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvsroot/zc0302 for user anonymous
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs login: warning: failed to open /home/jani/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ touch ../../cvspass
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls -a
. ..
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cvs -z3 co -r R-0_0_1-bugfixes zc030x
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x
U zc030x/ChangeLog
U zc030x/Makefile
U zc030x/README
U zc030x/benqcam2.h
U zc030x/detectsensor.c
U zc030x/load
U zc030x/readimage.c
U zc030x/unload
U zc030x/wcam300a.h
U zc030x/webcammobile.h
U zc030x/webcamnx.h
U zc030x/webcamnxpro.h
U zc030x/zc030x.h
U zc030x/zc030x_compat.h
U zc030x/zc030x_fixframes.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.c
U zc030x/zc030x_jpeg.h
U zc030x/zc030x_main.c
U zc030x/zc030x_main.h
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.c
U zc030x/zc030x_proc.h
U zc030x/zstar.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/doc
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/sensors
U zc030x/sensors/CS2102.h
U zc030x/sensors/CS2103.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS1020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HDCS2020.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7121B.h
U zc030x/sensors/HV7131B.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM102A.h
U zc030x/sensors/ICM105A.h
U zc030x/sensors/OV7620.h
U zc030x/sensors/OVCIF.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS106B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PAS202B.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0111.h
U zc030x/sensors/PB0330.h
U zc030x/sensors/SensorSig.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5110B.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C.h
U zc030x/sensors/TAS5130C2.h
cvs checkout: Updating zc030x/tools
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ ls
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X$ cd zc030x/
jani@c63:~/tmp/zc030X/zc030x$ ls
benqcam2.h Makefile wcam300a.h zc030x_fixframes.c zc030x_main.h
ChangeLog readimage.c webcammobile.h zc030x.h zc030x_proc.c
CVS README webcamnx.h zc030x_jpeg.c zc030x_proc.h
detectsensor.c sensors webcamnxpro.h zc030x_jpeg.h zstar.h
load unload zc030x_compat.h zc030x_main.c

[#] | @ 10:33 | k: 0

Linux: finding out vendor ID and product ID of USB devices

The most reliable way to find out what camera you got is to plug it into Linux box and type

$ cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

IBM C-it USB Camera Driver for Linux G

For my Creative Labs Webcam NX it says:

P: Vendor=041e ProdID=401c Rev= 1.00

Which means it should finally work with the ZC030X Webcam Linux Driver, yay! Now off to test it.

[#] | @ 10:17 | k: 0

Firefox 1.0:
Tulossa marraskuun yhdeksäntenä

Firefox 1.0 - Coming November 9, 2004 Tunnelmia maakellarista

[#] | @ 17:44 | k: 0


Tiijä en.

Missään VIAn sivuilla ei ainakaan kerrota mitään sanayhdistelmää, josta tuo muodostuisi, vaikka se systemaattisesti kirjoitetaan kolmella isolla kirjaimella. BrainyEncyclopedian juttu kertoi sivumennen sanottuna koko firmasta pähkinänkuoressa paljon selkeämmin ja tiiviimmin kuin mitä sain irti firman omilta sivuilta, mutta vastausta tähän kysymykseen ei sieltäkään löytynyt.

[#] | @ 15:04 | k: 0

Maxtoreille pidempi takuu

Uusi takuuohjelma tarjoaa (...) kolmen vuoden takuun PC-käyttöön tarkoitetuille sisäisille kiintolevyille (DiamondMax).

Täh, kuinka lyhyet takuut niillä on ollu? Vuoden mittaiset?

Muutamien viime vuosien aikana hankkimani Samsungit on kolmen vuoden takuulla varustettuja (onneksi), ja muistaakseni IBM (eli sittemmin Hitachi, mitä kiintolevyihin tulee) lyhensi takuuta kolmesta vuodesta vuoteen sen taannoisen katastrofin jälkimainingeissa.

[#] | @ 11:34 | k: 0

Debian (unstable) up and running

Mozilla Firefox Julkaisukandidaatti 1 jo ennätti Debianiinkin.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041105 Firefox/1.0RC1 (Debian package 0.99+1.0RC1-4)

Thunderbird on vielä versiossa 0.8, mutta 0.9:han tulikin ihan vasta.

[#] | @ 20:50 | k: 0

Kainuun laajakaistaselvitykset valmistuneet

(...) laajakaistayhteyksien rakentaminen (haja-asutusalueille) ei ole teleoperaattoreille liiketaloudellisesti kannattavaa. Näillä alueilla asuu noin 20 000 kainuulaista.

Kainuun alueella on noin 12 500 loma-asuntoa. Monilla kesäasukkailla on kiinnostusta jatkaa loma-asunnossa viettämäänsä aikaa, jos heillä olisi siellä mahdollisuus etätyöhön.

Kysynnän kartoituksessa keskityttiin juuri alueille, jossa yhteydet eivät ole kunnossa. Noin 75 prosenttia vastaajista katsoi tarvitsevansa heti laajakaistayhteyksiä.

[#] | @ 18:33 | k: 0