Author: Jani

  • Thunderbird bugs me

    I was hoping that Bug #342784, “File > Quit hangs tb if expunge inbox on exit is set”, being closed in the release of Thunderbird would have solved my issue of Thunderbird sucking all CPU cycles after being shut down, but it looks like it’s still there. I’ve been hoping for this to get fixed since 1.5 was released.

    The duplicate feed items issue hasn’t been fixed either, and I’m thinking this ‘hanging process’ problem could also be a symptom of TB choking on the feeds, possibly the password protected LiveJournal ones. Guess I’m gonna have to try and find a proper RSS reader.

    P.S.: I just installed BlogBridge, and I’m liking it!

  • Atspace and 'ftp : connect :unknown error number'

    I had problems making an FTP connection to my Atspace account for a couple of weeks, preventing my webcam image from updating. Filezilla kept failing to connect, and the most information I was able to find about what was wrong was from Windows’ commandline ftp (yea, it’s horrible, I know), which kept saying ftp : connect :unknown error number (‘tuntematon virhenumero’ tai jotain sinne päin suomeksi).

    Thanks to Juha, I finally realized it was PeerGuardian 2 blocking the connection. Perhaps the fact that they’ve done this is related to Atspace having problems with spyware opening browser windows with their front page. In any case, I uninstalled PG2 since it’s been a source of trouble before. But it hadn’t done this to me before, nor caused any problems in a while, which had lead to me completely forgetting about ever having installed it (like I said in the thread at Atspace’s support forums).

  • Intel Slashes Prices 60%

    “[Intel has taken] action to counter rival AMD’s recent price cuts, peppering its pricing sheet with a shotgun blast of price reductions. While the Pentium D received some substantial cuts of up to 40 percent, Intel’s older single-core Pentium 4s were lowered by as much as 60 percent.”

    ExtremeTech via via Juha

  • What's New in Thunderbird

    “Thunderbird provides stability and security enhancements that are part of our ongoing program to provide a safer email experience for our users. We recommend that all Thunderbird users upgrade to this latest version.

    Here’s what’s new in Thunderbird

    The Rumbling Edge has a more detailed list of notable bug fixes.”

    Mozilla via Juha

  • Firefox Released

    Firefox is a security update that is part of our ongoing program to provide a safe Internet experience for our customers. We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version.

    some links added

  • AMD vai Intel?

    “Muistiohjaimen sijoitus prossuun ei nähtävästi ole mikään ihme ratkaisu, jos uudet Intelin prossut ovat AMD:n niskan päällä jo nyt… ”


    Kävin tänään kirjastossa lueskelemassa uusimman Linux Journalin (#148, August 2006). The Ultimate Future Linux Box -artikkelin mukaan muistiohjaimen sijoittaminen suorittimen sisälle on tulevaisuuden ratkaisu, ja samaa viestiä olin poimivinani myös surfaillessani äsken aihetta sivuavilla sivuilla; Intel tulee tekemään saman ennemmin tai myöhemmin.

    Tuossa LJ:n artikkelissa kuitenkin myös todettiin se, ettei AM2-kantaisiin suorittimiin sijoittaminen juuri nyt silti vielä välttämättä kannata, koska pullonkaulaksi muodostuu nykyisten DDR2-muistikampojen latenssi. Lisäksi, sitten kun riittävän nopeat muistikammat tulevat, ei nyt ostettu emolevy välttämättä tuekaan niitä. Tällä hetkellä integroidulla muistiohjaimella varustetuista AMD:n suorittimista ei saada irti enempää kuin Intelin perinteisessä, ulkoisessa ohjaimessa roikkuvista suorittimista.

    Oli miten oli, ensi vuoden loppuun mennessä AMD:n kaikki kuluttajaluokan prosessorit ovat kaksiytimisiä, eikä nähtävästi siinä vaiheessa AM2:ta vanhemmalla kannalla tee juuri mitään, hyvä jos silläkään.

    Vallitseva näkemys tuntuu olevan, että Intel on mennyt heittäen AMD:n edelle suoritinten tehoissa, eikä tilanne tule siitä myöskään muuttumaan vähään aikaan. Joutuukohan tässä vielä vaihtamaan suoritinvalmistajasuosikkia? Olen suosinut AMD:n suorittimia niiden edullisuuden ja hyvän hinta/teho-suhteen takia, mutta juuri nyt näyttää kyseenalaiselta auttaako AMD:tä edes hintojen puolittaminen.

    Intelin tämänhetkisissä suorittimissa ei kantojen kanssa tarvi arpoa.

    (Enin osa linkeistä Juhalta.)

    P.S.: Vain päivä tämän kirjoittamisen jälkeen Intel leikkasi hinnoistaan pois peräti 60 %.

  • The DivxTest project

    “What is the DivxTest project ?

    Have divx players tested by end-users, in order to get the most objective summary of (DVD)-divx players capabilities. Some comparisons already exist, but none has aimed to test as much players as possible (basically ALL of them) and none has been made by the end-users themselves.

    Our tests are easy : no personal feeling is requested and no particular technical knowledge. You will proceed with simple compatibility tests and with an inventory of the capabilities/connexion possibilities of your standalone divx player. The only thing which is required to access the “approved Tester” rank is a little bit of your time.” via movie-player
    some links added

  • Disabling Playstation2's Parental Level Control

    Came across my PS2’s parental level setting for the first time last night. A quick googling revealed the odiously complicated procedure of disabling it, as aquired by whimzywim straight from the horse’s mouth, the Sony tech support. I tidied it up and wrapped it in to a list to make it a bit easier to follow.

    1. Turn off your PS2.
    2. Turn it on and insert the DVD.
    3. When you are notified of the parental controls being set, choose Yes.
    4. It then asks you for your password; hit select. It should now say delete password.
    5. Enter password 7444.
    6. You are asked to create a new password; make it 0000 (and re-enter it when it asks for confirmation). It then should say registration complete and will continue to DVD menu.
    7. Start playing the movie.
    8. Once the movie begins playing press select.
    9. You should now have a bunch of icons on the screen; click on the stop icon.
    10. Bring up the icons again by pressing Select.
    11. The stop icon should be grey even though you are highlighting it. If it is still blue, press it again.
    12. Once the stop button is grey, even though you are highlighting it, click on the icon underneath the 7 – the one that looks like a briefcase and is called Setup.
    13. Hit the right directional button until you are at the custom setup screen.
    14. Hit the down directional button until you are on the parental control setting.
    15. Hit the right directional button.
    16. It should ask for your password; enter 0000.
    17. Press the down directional button until you are at Level.
    18. Press the right directional button.
    19. Press up on the directional button until you reach the desired level; off is at the very top.
    20. Click X.
    21. Go back to the original icon list and press play.
    22. Play the movie to make sure it plays. Do NOT turn off the PS2.
    23. Once the movie is playing, press the eject button, remove the DVD and close the tray.
    24. Once the tray is closed, turn off the PS2 by using the switch on the back of the console.
    25. Wait at least 5 seconds.
    26. Turn your PS2 back on and insert the DVD.
    27. The settings should now be saved and you should be able to play DVDs without the annoying parental controls.