The studios have decided that since they have power, they will simply define the writer’s revenue stream out of existence. DVD sales simply won’tcounttowardsresidualsales in exactly the same manner as VHS sales. Also: since the internet doesn’tbroadcast, writers (it seems) don’t have the right to money fromrebroadcast. Just so we’re clear: when you buy a season of TV on VHS, writers are compensated. When you buy it on DVD or iTunes, they are not.The Punning Pundit via reddit
link (also via reddit) added
Author: Jani
Hollywood execs, the writers and their compensation, and "stealing"
The Day The Routers Died
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Cable Open! jälleen isänpäiväviikonloppuna
Kymmenet maksukanavat aukeavat jälleen ilmaiskatseluun kaapelikotien asukkaille isänpäiväviikonloppuna. Perjantai-illasta 9.11. klo 18 aina maanantaiaamuun 12.11. klo 8 asti kaapeliverkon asiakkaat voivat tutustua ilmaiseksi mittavaan maksu-tv-kanavavalikoimaan. Kaapeliverkon digitaalisten maksu-tv-kanavien katselu ei ilmaisviikonloppuna vaadi erillistä sopimusta tai ohjelmakorttia, ainoastaan digisovittimen.
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