• ZyXELin modeemeilla yhteysongelmia OP:n kanssa

    Osassa ZyXEL P660H ja P660HW sarjan ADSL-modeemeita on havaittu SPI-palomuurin toiminnasta aiheutuva yhteysongelma OP-verkkopankkipalvelussa. Joissain ADSL-modeemeissa SPI-palomuurin ollessa aktiivinen, OP-verkkopankin käytössä saattaa esiintyä katkoja tai palvelun jumiutumista.

    via Vlk

  • Fighting the XPCOM Firefox bug

    So far I’ve tried disabling the DOM Inspector and Talkback in Firefox and also Windows XP’s Webclient service (which has been cited among others as a possible culprit of the XPCOM Event Receiver problem) – none of this has helped.

    For me the problem seems to be a tad more serious than for others reporting this, since just by running Firefox for a while the system eventually loses all networking capabilities and refuses to open the Task Manager (I’ll try grabbing a screenshot, of the alert box notifying about the failure, if I can the next time it appears, although it is in Finnish), at which point the only working solution is to reboot – which, of course, is when I’m greeted with the XPCOM not terminating properly nag.

    The strange thing is, if I open up the Task Manager and leave it lurking on the side while FF hoses the system, from there it looks like there’s nothing alarming going on – no single process is eating up all the resources. The only abnormality is the firefox.exe process not terminating when I close the application window.

    Right now I’m running Firefox in Safe-mode and with anti-phishing disabled in addition to all the stuff mentioned above. I’m hoping I’ll come across something that works, because otherwise I’ll have to switch to Opera or something, and I’d really, really hate to do that.

  • Oikeusministeriö ottaa OpenOfficen käyttöön

    Oikeusministeriö on tehnyt virallisen päätöksen ottaa käyttöön OpenOffice.org-ohjelmiston ministeriön toimisto-ohjelmana vuoden 2007 alusta lukien. Samassa yhteydessä oikeusministeriössä ja sen hallinnonalalla otetaan käyttöön OpenDocument-tiedostomuotostandardi asiakirjojen tallennusmuotona.


  • XPCOM: Event Receiver refusing to die at shutdown

    After a fresh, clean install of Windows XP and Service Pack 2, installing Firefox 2 seems to have gifted me the notorious XPCOM: Event Receiver problem. No extensions, no nothing on top of it, just plain vanilla FF 2.0 with DOM Inspector and the talkback agent it comes pre-packaged with.

  • Naksujousi

    Onnistuin hankkimaan koneeseeni vakoilu- ja mainosohjelman asentajan, joka ei lähde, ei sitten millään. Oma vikani, mitäs menin avaamaan sen PIF-tiedoston sokkona. Haksahduin siihen, koska luulin sitä kuvatiedostoksi, jollaiseksi se IRC-URLs.netissä oli luokiteltu.

    No, edellisestä Windowsin uudelleenasennnuksesta onkin jo vierähtänyt hyvä tovi. Lähteepähän saman tien kaikki ylimääräinen karsta jota levylle on kertynyt.

    Uusinta Ubuntuakin ajattelin taas kokeilla.

  • USG Intelligence Agencies' Networking IT Falling Behind

    “[When Matthew Burton was hired by the Defense Intelligence Agency] his mind boggled at the futuristic, secret spy technology he would get to play with: search engines that can read minds, he figured. Desktop video conferencing with colleagues around the world. […]

    But when he got to his cubicle, his high-tech dreams collapsed. ‘The reality,’ he later wrote ruefully, ‘was a colossal letdown.’”

    The New York Times via BlogsNow

    <tinfoil hat>Of course, that’s what they would have you believe!</tinfoil hat>

  • Apple: Cool enough for your granny

    According to a report from industry watchers MetaFacts, nearly half of Mac owners are 55 and older – that’s almost double the share for average home-PC users.

    silicon.com via /.

  • WordPress: mass edit 'Allow Pings' fields with SQL

    I’d previously closed pinging for all ancient posts to prevent trackback spam, but after installing Akismet my blogs have ceased to suffer from it, so I decided it was time to re-open them.

    Took me some time to find the appropriate SQL spells, but I finally came across the right ones at WP’s support forums: by applying btvillarin’s SQL instructions I was able to achieve somewhat the reverse of what he was aiming at:

    UPDATE wp_posts
    SET ping_status = "open"
    WHERE ping_status = "closed";

    This causes all posts with their ping status currently closed be changed so that they’re once again open for pings.

    Note that you might have to replace wp_posts in the above with yourtableprefix_posts, in case you have changed the default table prefix.

  • Modifying Firefox's Context Menus

    While I like the Firefox Web browser, there are a few things about it I’d change. For a start, I’d remove the Set As Wallpaper… context menu item. Not only do I never use it, I’d rather not have the option of invoking it by accident. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to change Firefox’s context menus.


    I successfully applied this instruction in removing the Send Link… and Send Image… items in addition to the Set As Wallpaper… item mentioned above. After switching to web-based Gmail as my main e-mail client, mistakenly selecting the Send… items became a real nuisance as they triggered loading Thunderbird.

    And now that I’ve done that, I discovered WebmailCompose, which promises to make those items work with webmail such as GMail. Well, I’ll be trying that next… Update: Nope, it doesn’t work with Firefox 2.0 despite that the extensions page claims compatibility with upto 3.0a1. A 1.5 compatible version is available at Jed Brown’s site, but even with that the compatibility issue with 2.0 is not the simple one of replacing the version string inside install.rdf

    (Finnish Firefox note: Yritin etsiä suomenkielisen Firefoxini valikon sisältöä, mutta sitä ei löytänyt yllättäen edes fi.jar-paketin sisällä olevista tiedostoista. Raakasin sitten vain kylmästi sopivalta kuulostavat kohdat browser.xul:sta (browser.jar-paketin sisältä) muistelemalla niiden englanninkielisiä nimiä, ja näkyy toimivan.)