“In the beginning, this guide consisted of only one page of short and simple explanations of several common BIOS options. Over the years, the explanation of each BIOS option has been fleshed out, improved upon and corrected. And today, it has become a database of over 260 BIOS options. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide
300GB disc set to challenge DVD
“A computer disc about the size of a DVD that can hold 60 times more data will go on sale in 2006, according to its American developer InPhase Technologies […]. The discs, holding 300GB each, use so-called Tapestry holographic memory technology to store data by interference of light. They are also able to read and write data at 10 times the speed of a normal DVD.”
Looks like maybe I can skip Blu-Ray and HD-DVD altogether. I even have yet to burn a dual layer DVD!
Jane Siberry opens best artist's digital music store EVAR
“Canadian chanteuse Jane Siberry has created an online music store that’s a model of how artists can capitalize on the goodwill of their fans to line their pocketbooks and disseminate their music. Her store sells non-DRMed MP3s and encourages fans to spread the word.”
Boing Boing
some links added -
Steve Jobs Ruined My Thanksgiving
“I recently got an iPod Nano, mainly because I’m annoyed at the limitations of my iPod Shuffle on long trips (like flying half way around the world). Two nights ago, I fired up iTunes and finally accepted its offer to upgrade from version 4.9 to version 6.0. That was a big fucking mistake–a mistake that I’ve spent the last two days attempting to recover from.”
I’ll fully subscribe to Adam’s view on this:
“Sure, Apple’s got a neato click wheel. That’s admittedly nice. But other than that, I really don’t see the allure of the whole iPod brand other than as something that’s “trendy.” And, as we see here, rather buggy to boot.”
Nokia lets the N-Gage die a quiet death
“Nokia recently announced that they will no longer be developing new versions of the N-Gage gaming phone. The company says it plans to hold off on mobile gaming for a couple of years, concentrating instead on mobile music and video.”
Old online video and arcade games for free
“The section “arcade” on this site offers you the chance to play the great 80’s classics. These old arcade games are gaining a new lease of life thanks to an emulator that restores them to how they were upon their release.”
Vakiokorvaus teleliikennekatkoksista
“Kuluttajat ovat saamassa vakiomääräisen korvauksen telepalveluiden katkoksista, Radiouutiset kertoo. Jatkossa asiakas voisi vaatia korvausta operaattorilta esimerkiksi kun laajakaista tai kännykkäliittymä ei toimi. Lakiehdotuksen mukaan operaattorit joutuisivat maksamaan 15 euroa jokaiselta alkavalta viikolta. Enimmillään korvaus olisi 120 euroa.”
Meet the IT Gigolo
“Systems Engineer “Ray Digerati” enjoys fixing computers and having sex. So he combined the two.”
Miten maksimoit roskapostin määrän?
“Roskapostin määrän maksimoiminen on periaatteessa yksinkertaista mutta vaatii jatkuvaa työskentelyä asian hyväksi. Ensimmäinen periaate roskapostin tulon varmistamisessa on oman henkilökohtaisen sähköpostiosoitteen julkisuuden ymmärtäminen. Kun sen on ymmärtänyt, niin näillä ohjeilla pääsee jo pitkälle.”
Star Wreck ohitti Tuntemattoman sotilaan
“Internetissä vapaassa jakelussa oleva, Star Trek -klassikosta vahvasti vaikutteita saanut Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning -elokuva on ladattu lokakuun alusta laskien jo lähes kolme miljoonaa kertaa, Star Wreckin Internet-sivuja ylläpitävä Magenta-yhtiö kertoo.
Edvin Laineen ohjaaman, vuonna 1955 valmistuneen Tuntemattoman sotilaan on arvioitu keränneen vuosikymmenten kuluessa noin 2,8 miljoonaa katsojaa. Elokuvaa onkin pidetty pitkään kaikkien aikojen katsotuimpana suomalaisena elokuvana.”