My first ticket in the Debian BTS

Just filed my first Debian bug — yay! And a boo to reportbug for not wrapping the lines and failing to mention it. Either would have resulted in a nicer layout on the web page: I could have wrapped the lines myself, had I known this. Oh well, I’ll know next time.

Also, despite picking ‘novice’ mode in reportbug’s initial configuration, I was confused by the SMTP question “Do you have a “mail transport agent” (MTA) like Exim, Postfix or SSMTP configured on this computer to send mail to the Internet?” Since exim4 is installed by default, I picked the default (yes), and this resulted in my first report being lost, a fact which I could only verify by looking at exim’s log (which a true novice probably couldn’t do). There was no error message, and even worse, reportbug claimed to have sent the report successfully when it had in fact not done so.

But anyway, I was fortunate to spot the broken link on, as that was a perfect excuse for finally trying this bugreporting thingy.

Compiling Miro 1.2.8 on Lenny

Not sure if all of the stuff I installed was necessary, but at least nothing required was missing when I did it like this. I’m writing this down from memory and not on-the-go, so there might be errors, but the idea is there.

  1. # apt-get install miro python python-pyrex \
    libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
    libboost-date-time-dev libboost-thread-dev \
    libboost-serialization-dev python-gtk2-dev \
    python-gnome2-extras-dev libxine-dev chrpath \
    libxv-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dbus \
    python-gtk2 python-gnome2 python-gnome2-extras \
    python-glade2 python-gst0.10 imagemagick libxine1-x \
    libxine1-plugins xulrunner-1.9 xulrunner-dev
  2. $ wget
  3. $ tar xvf Miro-1.2.8.tar.gz
  4. $ wget \ \
    -O miro.patch
  5. $ sed -i -e 's/1.1.2/1.2.8/g' miro.patch
  6. $ patch -p0 < miro.patch
  7. $ cd Miro-1.2.8/platform/gtk-x11
  8. $ ./

Lenny’s GStreamer plays Asao

I just discovered that Lenny’s GStreamer plays Nellymoser’s flash audio without any difficulty. This is awesome and definitely so much easier than with Ubuntu Hardy. Back then I had to convert such FLVs’ audio tracks into MP3 using ffmpeg built from source.

Unembedded PDFs with Epiphany and mozplugger (and Evince)

I don’t remember which issue I solved by installing mozplugger, but after that all PDF files were opened inside Epiphany, and I’d rather have them displayed in a separate Evince window. To achieve this I edited /etc/mozpluggerrc, and commented out these lines:

application/pdf:pdf:PDF file
application/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/pdf:pdf:PDF file
text/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file
  repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file"
  repeat noisy swallow(kpdf) fill: kpdf "$file"
  repeat noisy swallow(Xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"

After that I shut down Epiphany and, as per the quite excellent mozplugger man page, deleted ~/.gnome2/epiphany/mozilla/epiphany/pluginreg.dat before restarting Ephy.

I suppose a tad lighter solution would be to override the defaults in my own per-user mozpluggerrc.