Tag: Internet
Twitter and GAIM
I just set up GAIM (2.0.0beta5, under Windows) to work with my Twitter account and thought I’d make a note of how I did it, although it was pretty straightforward.
I typed in my GMail address (the full one, i.e. with the @gmail.com part) at Twitter’s devices page and chose GTalk as the protocol. Then I added twitter@twitter.com to my buddy list in GAIM, for the GTalk (Jabber) account.
It took some time for twitter@twitter.com to come online but eventually he did, and I was able to tell him my confirmation code. He said
That worked! What are you doing? Send OFF at any time to turn off notifications to this device
and that was it, apparently: now I can update my status by talking to twitter@twitter.com.Initially I picked the wrong protocol (Jabber, since that is what GTalk is based on). Things seemed to go smoothly despite this, and apparently, based on my e-mail address, Twitter even knew I was referring to GTalk, but when I added twitter@twitter.com to my buddies list, he wouldn’t come online. The big
Delete and start over
button was very handy, and after doing it the way described above, it worked ok. -
Slifeshare: Share your digital life (Mac only)
A Slifeshare is an online space where you share your digital life activities such as browsing the web and listening to music with your friends, family or anyone you care about.
Linkitin Duodecimin
Huomasin, että terve.com-sivustolle uutisia tuottava Duodecim kuuluu sekin niihin, jotka yrittävät kieltää linkityksen:
Copyright Duodecim 2007. Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään. Materiaalin uudelleen julkaisu ja edelleen levittäminen on kielletty ilman kirjallista lupaa. Kielto koskee materiaalin käyttöä frame-tekniikalla, linkittämällä suoraan tähän tiedostoon sekä kaikkeen muuhun toimintaan mm. cache- ja proxy-tekniikalla.
korostus omani
Niinpä muokkasin hieman Tero Tiluksen koodia, joka noutaa samalla lailla harhaisen STT:n uutisotsikot linkitettäviksi
, ja lykkäsin senkin tuotokset (lyhennettynä kolmeen otsikkoon) tuonne marginaalin linkkisivulle. Itsenäinen versio ja sen lähdekoodi ovat myös saatavilla.Lisäys: Ja nyt sen pitäisi peräti toimiakin.
Gmail problem: photos not showing
“Thumbnail images aren’t displaying
The Gmail Team is aware of this problem and we’re working to fix it. In the meantime, you can still view these image attachments by clicking View, Download or View all images. Thanks for your patience.
updated 2/20/2007″
I am so tempted to reply ‘No’ to the
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question.And it looks like I’m not the only one getting very frustrated with this issue.