KDE-Files.org via Juha
Tag: Linux
Ubuntu Satanic Edition
The first version of Ubuntu Satanic Edition,
Evil Edgy
, is available for download from our secure APT repository. This release contains a number of themes to reveal Ubuntu’s darker side. -
The Treviño Story
Some guy decided to make a huge list of random Ubuntu repositories around the
web, and he recommends people to dump it to their sources.list without thinking[.] Hundreds of people (most of them Italian) have obeyed him without realizing that the maintainer of ANY of those repositories can do ANYTHING she wants to their systems: destroying or stealing files, stealing passwords, criminal activity through the computers… -
Microsoft, Novell Reach Accord on Linux
“Microsoft Corp. reached a rapprochement with a major seller of the Linux operating system, a deal that makes a kind of peace between two opposing camps in the software industry. The deal with Novell Inc. is designed to make it easier for customers to use both Linux and Microsoft’s Windows software. […]
The deal effectively makes Microsoft a reseller of Suse Linux, Novell’s version of the operating system, and kicks off a broad technology collaboration between the two companies. At the heart of the deal is a ‘patent covenant’ under which Microsoft agreed not to file patent-infringement charges against users of Suse Linux, and Novell agreed not to sue users of Windows.”
Ohjelmistojätti Microsoft ryhtyy tukemaan Windowsin ja Linuxin rinnakkaiskäyttöä. Yhtiö on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen Linuxia jakelevan Novellin kanssa. […] Yhtiöt ryhtyvät myös kehittämään yhdessä käyttöjärjestelmien rinnakkaiskäyttöä helpottavia ohjelmistoratkaisuja. Lisäksi Microsoft ei perää patenttioikeuksiaan sellaisten ohjelmistoratkaisujen osalta, joista tullaan mahdollisesti liittämään Suse Linuxiin.
Yle24 via Juha
Linux versus Mac OS X on Intel Dual Core
“Linux is found to be much faster than Apple’s OS X for statistical computing. For example, in one benchmark Linux is more than twice as fast. The results on this page were conducted on a MacBookpro with a 2.16Ghz Intel Core Duo chip and 2GB of RAM.”
J. Sekhon via Juha