Need an App to run on Linux? Request it here!

“If you’ve got any critical applications that you MUST be able to use on Linux, please take a minute to let us know what they are. We’ll monitor the submissions to see what the most popular requests are, and do what we can to nudge the vendors in that direction. Together, your voices will count for more than they would separately.”

Novell via LJ via Juha

Vihdin koulut vaihtoivat Linuxiin

“Vihdin koulutoimi on hankkinut kahteen kouluun innovatiivisen Linux-järjestelmän. Opettajien ja oppilaiden tietojenkäsittely hoidetaan keskitetysti Linux-palvelimelta, ja opettajat voivat käyttää järjestelmää myös kotoaan.”

Tietokone via Juha

Strong Winds of Change For Linux… Or Just Hype?

“In about 72 hours, a project will be announced that could have a mighty impact on Desktop Linux and the Community At-Large. […]

If it takes off, then this day may very well be the day that Microsoft never wanted to see. The impact could be that great. Again, it comes back to comminity involvement and just how bad we want to see Linux on the desktop.”

Blog of Helios via Juha

Cuba switches to Linux

“According to the government daily, Juventud Rebelde, Roberto del Puerto, director of the state office of information technology, said his office was working on a legal framework that would allow the replacement of Windows through-out Cuba.”

The Inquirer via Juha

Linux Distribution Chooser

We found these matches, sorted by how well they match:

( )

Debian GNU/Linux is a particular distribution of the Linux operating system, and numerous packages that run on it. Debian includes more than 8250 software packages at present. Users can select which packages to install; Debian provides a tool for this purpose. You can find a list and descriptions of the packages currently available in Debian at any of the Debian mirror sites. Failed these criterias:

  • Does not have one-click installable applications
Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. Ubuntu includes more than 1,000 pieces of software, starting with the Linux kernel version 2.6 and Gnome 2.10, and covering every standard desktop application from word processing and spreadsheet applications to internet access applications, web server software, email software, programming languages and tools and of course several games.

Visit Ubuntu at:

Failed these criterias:

  • Does not have one-click installable applications

zegenie Studios via digg via BlogsNow

Used to run Debian, have switched to Ubuntu since, so you could say the test got it just right.

Download Linspire for Free

“We thought it would be fun […] to give away a free digital copy of Linspire for a few days! This is actually a great way to highlight what it is that makes Linspire special and unique, and different from other Linux distributions. For the next few days, you can obtain a free digital copy of Linspire by following the instructions below. Hurry! This truly “free” Linspire offer ends September 6th, 2005!”

Linspire via ZDNet

OpenSUSE Linux 10.0 OSS Beta 1 Screenshots by

SuSE - A Novell Business “ provides an excellent screenshot slideshow of OpenSUSE Linux 10.0. As per their usual manner, they provide screenshots of booting, the installation, the desktop, taskbar, menus, and configuration. It’s more than enough to give you a great feel for this new version of the platform.”

Novell via Juha