Hollywood hails digital film deal

“With digital projectors, films are screened and distributed by computer. […] Studios have spent the last three years working on the technology and have now settled on specifications they say are good enough for all types of movies. […] The cost of distributing each film will be cut by 75% because studios can send their films to cinemas by satellite, fibre optic cable or disc, instead of truck.”

BBC via Afterdawn


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"Cisco 'Cover Up' Ignites Black Hat Controversy"

“A deal between Cisco and Internet Security Systems to pull a talk about Cisco vulnerabilities at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas Wednesday has attendees crying cover up and led to the resignation of a prominent researcher. […] At this year’s event, Michael Lynn, a member of ISS’ X-Force R&D team, gave a talk Wednesday on vulnerabilities in Cisco’s IOS, but he did so only after resigning from ISS, according to a company spokesperson. […]

Cisco and ISS plan to research the vulnerabilities further and disclose them in the proper forum at a later date, [an ISS] spokesperson said.”

CRN via /.

Cisco’s now trying to silence the guy using legal actions.

The Software Patch

“The newest patches to download are listed on the top of this page. If you are new to the site, the easiest way to keep up-to-date is to bookmark this page and return on a regular basis.”

softwarepatch.com via Killinki

Look like the patches they’re offering are Windows only.

Too bad that with such a cool idea they’re not offering an RSS feed. You’d think the whole purpose of gathering all patches in one place would be to avoid the “check this site on regular basis” hassle. Of course, checking just one site instead of many does save some trouble, but still…

Or does that “if you’re new to this site” premise imply that there are other ways to keep up-to-date, not apparent on the surface?