XP On Your Thumb Drive

“Fred Langa offers a step-by-step and illustrated guide on how to boot XP from an ordinary USB drive.”

InformationWeek via Juha

Holy shit, you can boot an OS from a thumb drive?! That is so… five years ago.

MPAA finds itself accused of piracy

“The Motion Picture Assn. of America, the leader in the global fight against movie piracy, is being accused of unlawfully making a bootleg copy of a documentary that takes a critical look at the MPAA’s film ratings system.

The MPAA admitted Monday that it had duplicated “This Film Is Not Yet Rated” without the filmmaker’s permission after director Kirby Dick submitted his movie in November for an MPAA rating. The Hollywood trade organization said that it did not break copyright law, insisting that the dispute is part of a Dick-orchestrated “publicity stunt” to boost the film’s profile.”

latimes.com via Juha

Kuluttajien käsitykset Internet-mainonnasta

“Tämä kysely liittyy Turun Yliopiston Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen laitoksella digitaalisen kulttuurin oppiaineeseen tekeillä olevaan pro gradu-työhöni, joka käsittelee kuluttajien käsityksiä Internet-mainonnasta. Kyselyyn vastaamiseen kuluu aikaa noin 15-20 minuuttia.”

Webropol.com via TSOB

LiveJournal still vulnerable?

“It is unclear whether LiveJournal has managed to close the security holes that the hackers claim to have used. The company says it has, but the hackers insist there are still at least 16 other similar Javascript flaws on the LiveJournal site that could be used conduct the same attack.

Group members said they plan to turn their attention to looking for similar flaws at another large social-networking site.”

washingtonpost.com via /.

Intel-Macs not as fast as Apple claim

“Macworld Lab’s tests do show that the new Intel-based iMac is faster than the iMac G5 when running native applications. However, we found that those improvements are generally much less than what Apple claims is a 2x improvement in speed.”

Macworld via /.

LJ Changes to User Subdomains

“Starting tonight, you can now reach your journal and community at a new, shorter user subdomain. […]

All journals will now be located at http://username.livejournal.com.
All communities will now be located at http://community.livejournal.com/username.

LJ News via ykstoista

Blogsome's Downtime Continues

“We made a decision to do the transfer while leaving access to blogs (i.e. not turning off the site altogether). It now seems that this has made the switchover go more slowly than we had planned. […] It looks like we will not be able to restore access to admin functions until 9am UTC Thursday.”

Blogsome Forum

Blogsome is being improved

“Blogsome is currently being moved […] in order to add additional servers to our network. The outcome should be a much faster blogging service. The work will take a number of hours. Your blog will be viewable to the public during this time.”


Strong Winds of Change For Linux… Or Just Hype?

“In about 72 hours, a project will be announced that could have a mighty impact on Desktop Linux and the Community At-Large. […]

If it takes off, then this day may very well be the day that Microsoft never wanted to see. The impact could be that great. Again, it comes back to comminity involvement and just how bad we want to see Linux on the desktop.”

Blog of Helios via Juha