Author: Jani

  • Blue Security fight fire with fire… or spam with spam

    “Israeli technology firm Blue Security has set up a scheme to batter spam websites with thousands of complaints. The plan is to fill order forms on spam websites offering pills, porn and penile health tonics with complaints about the products advertised for sale in junk messages. The plan has been criticised by other anti-spam workers who say it amounts to vigilantism.”

    some links added

  • Drug dealers allegedly used Orkut

    “Ten people have been arrested in Brazil after authorities discovered them allegedly using Google’s online community site, Orkut, to sell drugs. The drugs ring was uncovered after police tapped phone calls and monitored online communications through Orkut.”

    some links added

  • Multimedia search sorts messy web

    “Multimedia search firm Blinkx is the latest to use Really Simple Syndication (RSS) to make it easier for people to find the web video and audio they want. Users can look for any word uttered in news videos, podcasts and video blogs. […] Blinkx’s service uses smart voice recognition technology to scan video and audio it finds on the web. A searchable transcript is then automatically generated.”

    some links added

  • Nettimaakotka sai valtavan suosion

    “Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla Pudasjärvellä asusteleva maakotkaperhe on saanut valtavan suosion internetissä. […] Nettisivuilla oli perjantai-iltapäivään mennessä vieraillut yli 80 000 uteliasta. Sivuston osoite julkaistiin keskiviikkona. […]

    Parhaimmillaan uusia kävijöitä on tullut viidessä minuutissa 600. Sivusto ehti myös tukkeutua hetkeksi, mutta sivuston pitäjät pyysivät lisää kapasiteettia Oulun Puhelimelta ruuhkaa purkamaan.”

    HS Verkkoliite via
    linkitys omani

  • Disassembling the Zippy/Packard Bell Glow Keyboard

    Packard Bell Glow Keyboard

    Bought this Packard Bell branded Glow keyboard (Model No. PB KB 400) a while back. It’s probably exactly the same piece of hardware as the Zippy EL 610 (as reviewed by The Tech Report), and apparently which neither of these two no longer make. Anyway, the coolest feature of this keyboard, the blue light, had grown dim, just barely visible in a dark room, so I decided it’s time to take a look at what’s inside it.

    First of all, it’s sealed with four normal cross-heads. After that I tried twisting the top cover carefully in order to find out where to begin; since the keyboard is made of very weak plastic (one of the stands behind it broke off almost the day I bought it – got a warranty replacement for that one) I knew I had to be careful in order not to crack it.

    I finally decided the best place to begin was the right hand side, because there’s just one locking mechanism on the sides and I’m right-handed. Using my tools, a big flat-head screwdriver and another, tiny one, I managed to unlock it without breaking it.

    The keyboard with right-hand side opened

    After this one, the left-hand side was natural to come next. The lock in this one turned out to be the only one I managed to break, but it’s got a nice two-slot design so that busting one side of the slot doesn’t necessarily break it.

    Having the sides open, the top of the cover still seemed pretty tightly held, but the bottom was easily released from the two locks holding it in place:

    The keyboard with all but top locks opened

    (Sorry about the crappy, shaken pictures.)

    The top was still pretty tight, so I examined it carefully to locate the locks as accurately as possible. Turned out it’s right next to the place where there’s a rectangular shape in the lower part, towards the inside. I used my smaller flat-head to push the slot of the lock (attached to the cover) towards the inside, and thus managed to release the one on the right hand side.

    The keyboard with one of the top locks opened

    The one on the left-hand side was just as easy to open. After that there were still two locks, one on each side of the oval shaped, darker gray piece of plastic through which the cord runs, so the total number of locks on the top side was four – that’s why it was the tightest one to loosen. At this point, the two remaining locks were easily opened without damage.

    The cover was now entirely removable. So was the rubber pad that makes up the Light On/Off, Sleep and Power buttons.

    The keyboard itself is attached to a small PCB with two flat cables: a smaller one from the top left part, and a wider one right next to it, underneath the keyboard. The smaller one is attached with another kind of plastic lock, which I was able to open simply by pulling it. In doing so I chipped of a little piece from it, but luckily it did reattach quite ok when reassebling it back.

    The smaller flat cable between the PCB and the keyboard

    The wider cable is attached with two screws (cross-heads, again), and by simply removing those the keyboard is freed from the PCB.

    The wider flat cable between the PCB and the keyboard

    Finally, here’s the PCB bared and seen from both sides.

    The PCB bared, from reverse side

    The PCB bared, from component side

    I didn’t see any apparent loose connections or broken wires to do much anything about the dim lights, but at least having the keyboard in pieces enabled me to clean up the impressive amount of hair, dust and other filth it had gathered inside it up until now. After that, putting the keyboard back together was simpy a matter of reversing the steps I came to disassemble it.

  • AssemblyTV – the maraton broadcast of digital creativity – is coming!

    “Assembly’s very own television channel AssemblyTV keeps you up to date on the progress of the event, shows you the top moments, offers background information and get you into the feel of the party. […]

    You can watch the AssemblyTV broadcast from around the event location, on television (in Finland only) and from the AssemblyTV website whether you are at home or at your computer place. The broadcast begins on Thursday 28th July. Check out for more information.”

    AssemblyTV via Enterblogi
    some links added

    They’re also keeping a bilingual blog.

  • Team Banzai

    “”Dora”, is the world’s first fully autonomous vehicle driven by Mac OS X. The entire development and race management efforts at Team Banzai is being done using Apple Mac OS X technology.”

    Team Banzai via BlogsNow

  • TeleWell pitää pakottaa

    Vanha TeleWell oli poksahtanut P-niemessä (on taas ukkoskausi). Se oli laskujeni mukaan kolmas siinä talossa tähän mennessä ukkosen tuhoama modeemi. Aiemmat olivat vanhoja puhelinmodeemeja, eli edellisestä olikin kulunut jo jonkin aikaa.

    Uusi modeemi oli hankittu heti seuraavana päivänä ja koetin neuvoa isää sen asentamisessa puhelimitse. Se ei oikein ottanut luonnistuakseen, mikä minua ihmetytti, kun kaiken järjen mukaan asennuksen olisi pitänyt olla ihan simppeli plug & play – ei siis sen perinteisessä merkityksessä (plug & pray) vaan ihan oikeasti vain virtajohto, puhelinjohto ja verkkojohto paikoilleen ja surfaamaan. Mutta ei.

    Koska upouuden modeemin ADSL-valo ei palanut ollenkaan, aloimme jo epäillä, että koko puhelinlinja onkin mennyt ukkosessa paskaksi, ja alennuin siksi kehottamaan isää soittamaan Soneran asiakaspalveluun. Näin tehtyään meille selvisi, että tuo TeleWellin EA201 pitää pakottaa pois ADSL2+ tilasta ennen kuin se alkaa toimia vanhan ADSL-keskuksen kanssa.

    Onneksi TeleWellin sivuilta löytyi tähän hyvin suoraviivaiset ohjeet, joita seuraamalla homma onnistui. Sen jälkeen tosin piti käyttää vielä irti verkkojohtoa, virtajohtoa, puhelinjohtoa ja vielä kerran verkkojohtoa ennen kuin ADSL-valo alkoi tuikkia.

    Se oli iso helpotuksen huokaus, jonka mielessäni siinä vaiheessa päästin.

    Voi vain kuvitella, miten sellaisilla käyttäjillä, joilla ei ole tietotekniikantuntevaa puhelintukea pikavalittavissa numeroissa, menee tuon kanssa sormi suuhun. Eipä varmaan ole hauskaa kauppiaallakaan, kun asiakas toisensa jälkeen on sitä mieltä, että romun möit. Yleensäottaen en suosittele TeleWellin modeemeja kenellekään, mutta noilla perukoilla se tuntuu olevan ainut merkki, jota myydään.

  • "Hacked $99 NAS gadget runs full Debian Linux"

    “A Debian ARM hacker has published a detailed HOWTO on installing Debian Linux on Linksys’s NSLU-2 NAS (network-attached storage) gadget. […] The NSLU-2 (Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives) is a low-cost embedded Linux device that turns any USB hard drive into a NAS (network-attached storage) device, by providing various network interfaces. Tom’s Hardware published a rave review, saying the device could revolutionize NAS.” via /.
    some links added

  • Puhelinmarkkinoijat operaattorisodan eturintamassa

    “Osa Saunalahden GSM-asiakkaista on joutunut ahdistelevan telemarkkinoinnin kohteeksi. Suomen markkinoilla toimiva operaattori soittaa järjestelmällisesti Saunalahden asiakkaille ja käyttää harhaanjohtavia väittämiä saadakseen Saunalahden asiakkaita siirtämään GSM-liittymänsä toiselle operaattorille.”

    “Ulkopuolinen operaattori antaa virheellistä tietoa.”
    Saunalahti via justsopivasti

    Ilmeisesti ainakin Zetalle on tullut tällaisia puheluita.

    Saunalahden liiketoimintajohtaja kertoo ITviikossa, että kyse on Tele Finlandin puhelinmarkkinoijista.