VideoDownloader extension (via Juha) allows you to download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion and other 60+ video sites simply by clicking a small icon on the status bar.
Category: Uncategorized
EU pohtii tekstiviestien ja sähköpostin verottamista
“EU-parlamentti on asettanut työryhmän tutkimaan ehdotusta, jonka mukaan laajentuvan unionin budjetti voitaisiin rahoittaa verottamalla sähköposti- ja tekstiviestejä. Yhdestä matkapuhelimen viestistä perittäisiin veroa 1,5 senttiä, sähköpostista 0,00001 senttiä.”
“Maanantaina 29.5. suoritetaan yhdistyksen palvelimia koskeva laajamittainen huoltokatkos, jonka aikana Nebulan toimitiloissa sijaitsevat palvelimet siirretään uuteen laitetilaan omaan laitekaappiinsa. Kaikki palvelut Xob-palvelinta [lukuunottamatta] ovat katkoksen ajan poissa käytöstä.”
Flashing the iRiver T10
Today I received the iRiver T10 I’d ordered a week ago. Initially, I had been put off by the fact that the players sold inside EU were Microsoft-only. But then I found out it’s possible to flash the firmware to get rid of the MTP crap.
After having tried the WMP10 approach with my new toy once, this is what I set out to do.
The Pure and Non-Pure versions were explained at MisticRiver forums. The “Non-Pure” version has an FM radio. Mine doesn’t, so it’s “Pure”. The firmware version my player came equipped with was 1.23P.
So I picked up the Pure version from and proceeded by the instructions provided there. I missed the verifying question about firmware upgrade after the restart, but you can start it from the advanced menu.
The first flashing took a little under a minute. After the restart there was the ominous “Scan music file…” screen, as promised, and the player was now a UMS device when I plugged the USB cable in. Halfway there!
I then uploaded the Australian firmware, from iRiver, into the player. During flashing this file, the screen was a backlit black, once again as promised. The flashing took closer to two minutes this time. After this, I had a fully working, UMS-abled T10 with the latest firmware version 1.70.
BBC:n "Apple-asiantuntijasta" kansainvälinen naurunaihe
“BBC:n television uutistoimitus sähläsi perjantaina perusteellisesti, kun Apple-asiantuntijana haastateltiin vahingossa väärää miestä, oikean asiantuntijan odottaessa aulassa. Nettijakeluun päätyneessä hupaisassa katkelmassa näkyy, miten mies tajuaa kauhukseen tilanteen, mutta sinnittelee sitten urheasti kommentoiden musiikin nettikauppaa.”
Kodak admits to spam, pays up
“Photo giant agrees to pay FTC fine after sending promotional e-mails to 2 million individuals, calls incident a ‘technical malfunction’.” via Juha