Tag: hacking

  • Terratec Cinergy DVB-C:n säätöä

    Systeemin pyyhkimisen ja uudelleenasennuksen jälkeen latasin tv-kortille uusimmat BDA-ajurit ja ohjelman Terratecilta. Ihmetykseni oli suuri, kliseetä lainatakseni, kun aiemmin tiiliskiven luotettavuudella toiminut Terratec Home Cinema näytti kanavat vain noin joka toisella käynnistyskerralla, ja tyytyi muutoin valittamaan vain signaalin heikkoutta.

    Taistelin ongelmaa vastaan asentelemalla vanhoja versioita niin ajureista kuin THC:stäkin, mutta ongelma vain paheni: lopulta ohjelma vain kaatui joka kerta, kun yritin skannata kanavia. Meinasin jo repiä hermoni, kunnes onnistuin analysoimaan ongelman tarkemman laadun: olin kokeillut ohjelmasta kaikkein uusinta, Beta-nimityksen saanutta versiota, jonka olin löytänyt Terratecin ftp-palvelimelta, ja sen jälkeen skannauksessa kaatuivat kaikki sitä vanhemmat, eli kaikki muut versiot.

    Niinpä sitten sovelsin tähän Betaan FAQ:sta löytynyttä vinkkiä, joka kehotti säätämään %Appdata%\TerraTec\CinergyDVR\:ssä olevaa laitekohtaista asetustiedostoa – oman korttini tapauksessa se oli C:\Documents and Settings\Jani\Application data\Terratec\CinergyDVR\Hardware_Cinergy 1200 DVB-C Capture (BDA).ini. Siellä olleiden WaitForLock (Scan) ja WaitForLock (Tune) -avainten arvojen säätö tuotti vihdoin halutun tuloksen: aikaisemmin tekemäni taajuustiedoston kanssa kaikki vielä puuttuneet kanavat löytyivät, ja nyt ne löytyivät myös ohjelman uudelleenkäynnistämisen jälkeen.

    Annoin noille avaimille seuraavat arvot:

    WaitForLock (Scan)=1000
    WaitForLock (Tune)=2000

    Alunperin ne olivat toisinpäin, siiis skannauksella oli arvo 2000 ja virityksellä 1000.

  • Modifying Firefox's Context Menus

    While I like the Firefox Web browser, there are a few things about it I’d change. For a start, I’d remove the Set As Wallpaper… context menu item. Not only do I never use it, I’d rather not have the option of invoking it by accident. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to change Firefox’s context menus.


    I successfully applied this instruction in removing the Send Link… and Send Image… items in addition to the Set As Wallpaper… item mentioned above. After switching to web-based Gmail as my main e-mail client, mistakenly selecting the Send… items became a real nuisance as they triggered loading Thunderbird.

    And now that I’ve done that, I discovered WebmailCompose, which promises to make those items work with webmail such as GMail. Well, I’ll be trying that next… Update: Nope, it doesn’t work with Firefox 2.0 despite that the extensions page claims compatibility with upto 3.0a1. A 1.5 compatible version is available at Jed Brown’s site, but even with that the compatibility issue with 2.0 is not the simple one of replacing the version string inside install.rdf

    (Finnish Firefox note: Yritin etsiä suomenkielisen Firefoxini valikon sisältöä, mutta sitä ei löytänyt yllättäen edes fi.jar-paketin sisällä olevista tiedostoista. Raakasin sitten vain kylmästi sopivalta kuulostavat kohdat browser.xul:sta (browser.jar-paketin sisältä) muistelemalla niiden englanninkielisiä nimiä, ja näkyy toimivan.)

  • Replacing changed directory names with .htaccess

    After poking around with some Rewrite rules and nearly losing my nerve with what seemed to be a choice between a 500 Internal Error and WordPress’ 404 pages, I finally came up with a redirect instruction for my .htaccess file that replaces a subdirectory name in URLs which end in .html.

    I need this because when I started marginaali, I used Blogger which outputs html files. I then moved on to WordPress and imported everything I had blogged thus far – apart from the comments that I had received. Therefore I didn’t have the heart to delete all those .html files and was sort of stuck between the two.

    After activating pretty permalinks, all requests to those old posts were redirected to the WordPress ones, and so the comments were, in effect, not available. Not until I changed the old posts’ directory name from both Blogger’s and WordPress’ standard naming by the year, by prefixing the (thankfully only) 2004 directory with an ‘o’, into ‘o2004’.

    There was one additional problem: that of old links out there in the Net pointing to these old posts and the comments in them – they were now broken of course. Here’s where I figured a relatively simple rewrite rule should do the trick: in all requests to files ending in .html under /marginaali/, replace the 2004 with the o2004.

    Well, like I implied in the beginning, this was surprisingly difficult to achieve with my little experience in tweaking .htaccess files. I finally succeeded, however, and here’s my solution:

    RedirectMatch /marginaali/2004/(.*)\.html$ http://mummila.net/marginaali/o2004/$1.html

    I placed this directive after the segment added by WordPress, in the the same .htaccess file that controls the permalinking, in /marginaali/. It leaves requests to the WP versions of posts (such as this one) intact, while fixing the requests to their html versions with the added ‘o’ so that, for example, 2004/11/sepe.html gets redirected to o2004/11/sepe.html. (That is an actual example of a page being referred to out on someone else’s page, which I have no control over.)

  • Customizing toolbars in IE7

    Via T. Schreiner: In order to bring the menu to the top, you need to adjust or set (if it isn’ there, which, by default, it isn’t) the following registry key to a DWORD value 1 (00000001): [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser].

    Via enhanceIE.com (via jsalpha2): To make the search box disappear, you need to adjust or set [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\InfoDelivery\Restrictions] to a DWORD value 1 (00000001). For my SP2 level XP installation, all the keys from Microsoft\ onwards had to be created (i.e. the rest of the path wasn’t there by default).

    As for the rest of it… well, apparently there’s just no way of removing or even moving the other buttons for favorites’ manipulation and so on. (Yes, I know that if you unlock the toolbar, you can push it to the side, but you can’t chop it off it’s position and move it to, say, the other side of the tab bar, let alone moving it vertically.)

    Wait a minute, you need to tweak the registry in order to customize IE7 toolbars to your liking, and even then you don’t get all that you want?!

    You’ve got to be kidding me.

    The GUI customization in IE7 is a joke compared to… well, I guess pretty much any other modern browser. Thank goodness there are better alternatives. (I’ll skip the cliché of linking to Firefox or Opera her… d’oh!)

  • LEGO Flamethrower

    Markus Puustinen (whose name TechEBlog have shortened to Mark, for some reason) has built a way-too-cool LEGO flamethrower. Yep, a flamethrower made out of LEGO blocks… and a bottle of butane gas.