Jani raportoi Launchpadissa bugin, http://mummila.net/l/6rh
Jani been using Swype just a little while, and already I'm frustrated by traditional physical input devices. Why hasn't the Swype level of intelligence been applied to input coming through them for aeons already? Correcting minor typos or slightly missed point-and-clicks at the very least should be a breeze compared to the small miracles Swype can do with my doodlings on a quarter-of-a-4"-touchscreen keyboard.
Jani Perhaps it's just my pervertedness, but I'd _so_ love to have my 2 favorite CMS's, #WordPress and #MediaWiki to marry each other to bring together the best of both, to let me blog with full wiki markup & editability & history. There are WP plugins to achieve some of this, but it goes so deep into the SW core that with 3rd party solutions you get maintainability risks (e.g. the markup you've used no longer works when the 3rd party solution gets abandoned).
So #Automattic and +Wikimedia Foundation, if you would be so kind.