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I’m affected by this too, in Ubuntu 20.04 with Firefox 83.0+build2-0ubuntu0.20.04.1.
Tested nightly (85.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64) with a clean profile, and the issue remains.
Steps to reproduce
./firefox -no-remote -profilemanager
./firefox -no-remote -profilemanager
, select the previously created profileWhat happens
None of the three tabs load any content. The firefox process also doesn’t end after closing this window with the non-working tabs, I have to Ctrl-C out of it.
Further info
Upon subsequent starts, Nightly does appear to correctly load the tabs, whereas for my main Twitter profile and FF 83.0 no amount of restarts seems to help; instead I have to open another tab and open m.twitter.com in it, then click on the home button to have the home tabs load (and close the first, still stuck set of home tabs).