Since installing 21.0-20241023-nightly, apps on my tablet can no longer access Internet when Wireguard is connected. This worked just fine right up until 20241023-nightly, and Wireguard’s app hasn’t been updated in over a year, so I’m pretty sure it’s the new build.
Looks like it’s DNS. (It’s always DNS.) There are a couple of conspicuously related-looking commits in this build: 406071 (VPN-covered DNS traffic may not fall through) and 406070 (Revert ”Prevent DNS traffic from bypassing lockdown VPNs”).
Expected Behavior
Apps should be able to connect to the Internet even when Wireguard is connected.
Current Behavior
Apps lose access to Internet immediately when Wireguard is connected. Curiously, Chrome is unaffected; all other apps that I’ve tested are affected, including Firefox, which says ”Address not found”, hinting at DNS.
Steps to Reproduce
- Install Wireguard
- Set up a connection that doesn’t route all traffic but just that interface’s address space. I’m including a screenshot of my Wireguard configuration below.
- Toggle the Wireguard interface on.
- Open Firefox and try to browse the web.

Device information
/codename gts4lvwifi /version 21 /date 2024-10-23 /kernel 4.9.337-g16026dfb9b4c #1 Wed Oct 23 13:53:22 UTC 2024 /baseband none /mods Google Apps
I have read the directions
Ah, apparently ”Show content warnings” on the app is the opposite of what’s ”Always expand posts marked with content warnings” in the web UI. I was confused because the former refers to the warning, whereas the latter refers to the content. There may be minor usability issue there, but I’ll leave it out of this one.
Sorry for the noise. To make up for it, #290 looks like a duplicate of this one and thus could possibly also be closed.
I have ”Always expand posts marked with content warnings” on in my settings, but CW-marked posts in the Android app still show as unexpanded.
I’m fairly sure this used to work until recently, and #87 being closed as ”completed” back in October would imply I wasn’t just imagining it.
A ”Mark read” choice in push notifications about new messages, as seen in many IM apps, would be handy in Mattermost Mobile too. Currently the message can only be marked read by tapping the message to open the app (which is slow).
Environment Information
- Device Name: Samsung Galaxy A9
- OS Version: Android 10
- Mattermost App Version: 2.11.0
- Mattermost Server Version: 9.3.0
Steps to reproduce
- Receive a message notification on the Android app.
- Pull down the notifications.
- Expand the received notification.
Expected behavior
Have a ”Mark read” option underneath the expanded notification.
Observed behavior
No ”Mark read” option, only ”Reply”.
I was on my Android device, saving URLs pointing to individual comments in threads at Ubiquiti’s Unifi forums, but later returning to them on my desktop realized that the hash (fragment) portion had been dropped, so that the URLs only pointed to the opening post. Hence, just one link (pointing to the first post) had been saved. This is pretty useless for threads spanning multiple pages, where finding an individual comment is tough without the exact link.
Here’s a (random) example of a URL pointing to the second comment on the third page of one thread. Sharing it from any of Android, iPhone or desktop results in a link pointing to the first post instead.
My Year in review stats are different depending on which device I view them on, which I think must be unintentional. For instance, the very first page says I’ve listened to ”66 different shows and 215 episodes in total” on my Android phone, ”96 different shows and 752 episodes” on my Android tablet, and ”96 different shows and 762 episodes in total” on my iPhone.
My most listened show is RA Podcast according to both the iPhone and the tablet, though they again disagree on the total listening time, whereas my Android phone says my most listened show is Let’s Talk About Sects. The entire list of most listened shows is completely different too.
I can provide screenshots if needed. I’m submitting this report from the web UI, though I haven’t found the year in review feature here, so I can’t say if it is similarly affected.
I’m using the ActivityPub plugin to enable following posts from my WordPress blog. The posts federate as excerpts with a URL pointing to the full post on my site.
Tapping on that URL in the Android app only causes it to reload the post (excerpt) inside the app, instead of opening the URL in either webview or a browser as I’d expect it to.
The (official) IOS app does open the URL a browser, as does Firefox on the desktop, which is why I suspect the Android app being at fault here.
I don’t know of a way to link my blog here it so that it opens in the app (which is a bit ironic), but here’s a deck link to the federated posts on My personal Mastodon account is on
Both my Android phone and Android tablet are affected, both are on Mastodon version 2.2.1. The phone is running Android 10 (with Samsung’s One UI 2.0), the tablet is on Android 11 (One UI 3.1).
Below is a screen recording from the Android phone exhibiting the issue: the first tap of the URL opens the federated note in single view, and subsequent taps then just reload that same view.
Steps to reproduce
- Have a PDF file with the name ”ä.pdf” (sic) in your Nextcloud.
- Have a different PDF file with the same name on your IOS device (Files app).
- Choose to share the file from your IOS device to Nextcloud.
- Select the folder where ”ä.pdf” already exists.
- Upload.
Expected behaviour
Get a dialog to choose how to deal with the filename conflict.
Actual behaviour
No dialog. The the existing file is silently overwritten by the newly shared file.
Nothing in server logs, but here’s the app log (at the default level).
Reasoning or why should it be changed/implemented?
The issue leads to data loss. I discovered this when I realized that saving bills from my banking app by sharing them to my Nextcloud had been doing this for who knows how long. (My electricity bills have the service provider name, ”Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy” in their filename.)
Environment data
iOS version: 17.0.3
Nextcloud iOS app version: ”Nextcloud Liquid for iOS”
Server operating system:
Web server: Apache 2.4.41
Database: MySQL/MariaDB 10.3.38
PHP version: 8.2
Nextcloud version:
- This is not reproducible on Android (with my server), which is why I’m pretty sure the fault lies with the IOS app.
- Also not reproducible on IOS with filenames with ASCII-only names (FWICT); this general case was apparently fixed when first reported as Upload via Share Menu Silently Overwrites Existing Files #1737.
Still present in Nextcloud 3.21.2. My device is a Samsung A9 running Android 10.
Uusimman päivityksen myötä 1 tähti. Käytän sovellusta lähes päivittäin, mutta QR-koodia en ikinä missään, ja nyt tämä tyrkyttää sitä QR-koodinlukijaa oletuksena. Eikä ainakaan aiemmin tänään S-ryhmän päätteessä toiminut Bluetooth-maksaminen enää ollenkaan, eli ei edes sitten kun olin tuon QR-turhakkeen pyyhkäissyt pois tieltä (ei Androidilla eikä Iphonella). Laadunvalvonta on tekijällä pettänyt nyt lyhyen ajan sisällä jo kahdesti, eikä siellä vissiin UX-asiantuntijoitakaan paljon kuunnella.