Keyboard shortcut restoring shortcut cut short when localized
When trying to start a virtual machine with Gnome Boxes, I get a prompt about keyboard shortcuts. The prompt text is localized, but translated back to English (I think, based on [1]) it says:
Boxes wants to inhibit shortcuts
You can restore shortcuts by pressing Super+Escape.
In my locale (Finnish), it says
Sovellus Boksit haluaa rajoittaa pikanäppäinten toimintaa.
Voit palauttaa pikanäppäinten toiminnan painamalla Super…
(sic; see attached photo)
So the actual key combination is truncated, defeating the point of that part of the text.
This isn’t a localization error (AFAICT; see [2]). It’s caused by the text being forced to fit on a single line of an arbitrarily fixed width, instead of wrapping to span as many lines as needed.
(I’m reporting this against gnome-shell as opposed gnome-boxes based on [3]. Feel free to reassign as necessary.)
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]