Viestialustana keskustelupalstat

How about a hook for filtering $articles in FeedParser?

6. kesäkuuta 2014 klo 10.54
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: Tiny Tiny RSS Community Forums
Avainsanat: Tiny Tiny RSS

I used to get so many old videos as reruns from Youtube feeds that I got fed up with it and made these changes to init() in classes/feedparser.php (added lines prefixed with ’+’):

foreach ($articles as $article) {
+    $ju_article = new FeedItem_Atom($article, $this->doc, $this->xpath);
+    if ($ju_article->get_date() < strtotime("-14 days")) continue;
array_push($this->items, new FeedItem_Atom($article, $this->doc, $this->xpath));

(And the same logic for each feed type.)

This seems to work as I like, forcibly dropping everything older than two weeks (I generally don’t care for old content). However, as it is a core change, I’ll have to reimplement it each time TTRSS is updated. Any chance of getting a hook in there somewhere (perhaps operating on $articles prior to that foreach), to do this type of prefiltering in a plugin?

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Tiny Tiny RSS Community Forums)

How about giving +1’s?

16. maaliskuuta 2013 klo 17.32
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: Google

Any chance of tweaking it so that I could give +1’s to articles irrespective of and in addition to sharing them in G+ posts? From what I can tell, giving +1’s isn’t currently supported by the plugin.

Google Reader had +1 tied to sharing so that in order to share on G+ I had to +1 it first. That was okay but not entirely optimal: +1 and posting on G+ about something could IMHO very well be two separate functions, so that you could

* only +1 something
* only share it in a G+ post
* do both if you like

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Google)

Patch: fix array key, has_cap warnings

1. elokuuta 2012 klo 21.15
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums
Avainsanat: WordPress

— wp-status-net.php 2012-07-16 20:51:15.604960940 +0300

+++	2012-08-01 21:04:36.392944461 +0300
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
 function wpstatusnet_options()

-      	if ( 'save' == $_REQUEST['action'] )
+      	if ( array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST) && 'save' == $_REQUEST['action'] )
 			$options = array(
 				"apitype" => $_REQUEST[apitype],
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
 	if (function_exists('add_options_page'))
-		add_options_page('', '', 0, basename(__FILE__), 'wpstatusnet_options');
+		add_options_page('', '', 'manage_options', basename(__FILE__), 'wpstatusnet_options');

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

Inserting newlines

6. tammikuuta 2012 klo 19.46
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums
Avainsanat: WordPress

There was a topic about replacing br tags with newlines on Urban Giraffe, but it seems to have led nowhere, so I’m posting this here just so that I can find it when I again need it, and maybe of help to others too.

I modified the search_and_replace function on line 37 of models/search.php so that $this->replace is assigned a replaced string itself:

$this->replace = str_replace("\\n", '
', $replace);

This means I want to replace any occurences of ”\n”’s in my replacement string with actual newlines just prior to applying the replacement.

It’s an ad hoc solution which I’m reverting once I’m done with newlines. I’ve not explored any possible side effects this solution may have, so use with caution.

Edit: Forum ate my br.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

No problem, and thanks for the rapid response to my bug-report-turned-support-request!

22. joulukuuta 2011 klo 5.43
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums

No problem, and thanks for the rapid response to my bug-report-turned-support-request!

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

Yes and no

21. joulukuuta 2011 klo 21.57
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums

Yes and no. :) No, I’ve never used anything but SLB. Yes, it’s apparently always activated links, but it also used to have the ’Activate all image links in item content’ option. Being able to uncheck that option I could use SLB as I have until now: with lightboxing only on links I’ve manually specified as rel=”slb”. The automatic url-snooping thingy just doesn’t work for me, since I use lots of image links pointing to wiki pages of those images.

FWIW, it was easy to fix this for myself: I just cut process_links() so that it immediately returns with unprocessed $content.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

How do I retroactively extend this reversed behavior

21. joulukuuta 2011 klo 18.41
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums

So, uh, how do I retroactively extend this reversed behavior to all the links on my blog relying on the previous behavior? I think it’s easier for me to just downgrade and freeze the plugin back to where it works the way I’ve relied on it functioning up until now.

(Not to be critical of your work; it’s your code and you do with it as you will. It just seems my use-case was niche even until recently, and now it’s no longer supported at all.)

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

Bug: rel=”slb”’s links to (particularly wiki) pages for images

20. joulukuuta 2011 klo 21.00
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums

It looks like 1.6.1 now automatically adds a rel=”slb” (plus some slb_group) to image links pointing to url’s ending in a known image postfix. While a nice idea in theory, this does not work well with links pointing to non-image content that ends in an image postfix.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an image link pointing to a picture page in Wikimedia Commons.
2. Try clicking the link with SLB activated.

What happens:
SLB tries to lightbox the Commons page.

What I expect to happen:
I’d expect SLB not to mess with the link so that when I click the image, I’m taken to the Commons page as usual.

Other notes:
I don’t think there’s any way around this other than disabling the automatic rel=”slb”’ing feature entirely (which the plugin currently, AFAICS, doesn’t allow me to do). There’s no reliable way to determine a link *really* points to an image just by looking at the url.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

Aikoinaan kun Squeezeä testasin

19. joulukuuta 2011 klo 22.54
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: Ubuntu Suomen keskustelualueet
Avainsanat: Debian

Aikoinaan kun Squeezeä Lennyä testasin, tuota hidastelua aiheutti se, että Nautilus (tai jokin) halusi nuuskia verkossa näkyviä Windows-verkkokansioita. Sen keksittyäni sen estäminen oli helppoa, mutten kyllä enää kuollaksenikaan muista että miten.

Edit: Taisi olla niinkin vanha kuin Lenny se jota testasin.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Ubuntu Suomen keskustelualueet)

Vs: Ubuntu ja flash videoiden nykiminen

3. joulukuuta 2011 klo 18.22
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: Ubuntu Suomen keskustelualueet
Avainsanat: Flash, Ubuntu

Yksi helposti kokeiltava niksi on ottaa laitteistokiihdytys (Hardware Acceleration) pois päältä flashin asetuksissa. (Mikäli sillä ei ole vaikutusta, se kannattanee palauttaa takaisin oletusasetukseen.)

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Ubuntu Suomen keskustelualueet)

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